Season 1 Plot
Akafuji Yuichiro, a popular and handsome actor, and Aoyagi Hajime, a former popular child actor are chosen to play the double lead roles in the live-action adaptation of an extremely popular BL manga. They start living together in order to prepare for the role and get publicity, but Akafuji's cold attitude toward Aoyagi leads to misunderstandings, even though Akafuji has a deep crush on Aoyagi...
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama Season 1 aired on December 24th, 2023.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Akafuji is actually a huge fan of Aoyagi despite his cold demeanor, and he works hard to maintain it so Aoyagi doesn't find out.
2. Episode 2
Akafuji and Aoyagi accidentally end up on a private date together, and the two of them end up with a happy ending.
3. Episode 3
Aoyagi inadvertently hears Akafuji's true feelings, and he is at a loss for what to do about it.