Season 1 Plot
HUBBLE’S CANVAS reveals that we live in a universe where masterpieces abound and where a powerful telescope can reveal the incredible beauty in every faint, glowing patch scattered around the sky. From its lofty perch high above Earth’s atmosphere, the Hubble Space Telescope can see both nearby and distant objects with unwavering clarity. Its images not only transmit data, but also form a direct connection between the human spirit and the most powerful forces in nature. The remarkable story of one of mankind’s most stunning scientific achievements, HUBBLE’S CANVAS provides key insights and fills our eyes with images of breathtaking beauty that will change your view of the universe forever.
Hubble's Canvas Season 1 aired on January 1st, 2007.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Eye of the Beholder & Universe in Bloom
In the series opener, Hubble takes us on a journey through the cosmos, showing us planetary nebulae which are composed of puffs of gas that is expelled and illuminated by the stars it houses. Along with this they are home to galaxies that have dust and molecules that will become stars in the future.
2. Painted by Light & Masterpiece
With light a necessity, we are taken through how light is emitted, absorbed, the effects gravity has on light and how it chnages our view, and how it is reflected by gas and dust particles to the nebulae and galaxies we see today. With these factors, we are able to see some of the most beautiful nebulae out there.
3. Colour & Violent Endings
With breathtaking pictures there comes colour. How does the Hubble telescope capture such glorious pictures with amazing colour? Through this epiosde we learn how Hubble can do so.
4. Cosmic Perspective & Etched in Time
From thinking that the earth was the center of the universe to the earth is flat, we have come along way to realizing whats true and that the universe is of infinite space. From our galaxy to the furthest reaches of space, Hubble takes us to unimagined places and takes us back in time to when the universe was.
5. Grand Design & Stretching the Canvas
This episode focuses on the forces that drive the creation of the universe. Also, by the studying of galaxy rotation, we are introduced to the theory of dark matter and dark energy.
6. Vanishing Points & Still Life
In the final episode, we view the monsters that live in our universe from quasars to black holes; with hopes of studying how the laws of physics operate under these conditions. Whether the black hole be in the far reaches of space or our own Milky Way, Hubble can show us what is really happening.