House Detective

Scripted TV Show
House Detective
House Detective is a television program on HGTV, based on an original concept proposed by nationally syndicated home inspection columnist Barry Stone. In its classic format, the program featured two home inspections per half-hour installment. The inspections typically take place in a particular greater metropolitan area, such as Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA, or far Upstate NY. In a typical installment, a young couple foolishly purchase a house without requiring an inspection and experience problems. HGTV's producers then appear, accompanied by a professional home inspector. The inspector inspects the house and systematically find problems. These problems were revealed in a fashion calculated to maximize drama and opportunities for puns. The discovery of dangerous problems was accompanied by frightening mood music, even if the problems could be repaired easily and inexpensively. In the end, the condition of the house nearly always turns out to be better than feared, and the featured homeowner would rally to the cause of fixing the problems. After each inspection, a brief segment called "Inspector's Notebook" offers viewers helpful advice on specific topics mentioned in the preceding inspection.

All Seasons

Season 13

Season 13

Nov 24, 2007
Season 12

Season 12

Jan 7, 2007
Season 11

Season 11

Jul 1, 2006
Season 10

Season 10

Jan 28, 2006

TV Show Details

Last Air Date:December 22nd, 2007

Original Language:English