
Scripted TV Show
Audience Score
Home, also referred to as The Home Show, was a daytime informational talk show that aired on ABC from 1988 to 1994. The program was co-hosted by Robb Weller and former Good Morning America co-host Sandy Hill during the first season. Gary Collins hosted the show for the remainder of its run. Co-hosts included Cristina Ferrare, Dana Fleming, Beth Ruyak and Sarah Purcell. Decorating and craft segments were frequently presented by Sally Marshall, Dian Thomas, Carol Duvall and Kitty Bartholomew. Marc Summers and Wil Shriner presented segments on the latest in technology. The show's various directors were Arthur Forrest, Booey Kober, Bob Loudin, Jerry Kupcinet, Paul Forrest and Bob Levy. Mother Love joined the show as the announcer in the final season, replacing Bob Hilton.

TV Show Details

Original Language:English