Season 5 Episodes
1. S5 E1 · Declassified: Human Experimentation
The United States conducted experiments on unwitting subjects throughout the Cold War.
2. S5 E2 · Sex and the Swastika
A secret government department that broadcasts false German news stories featuring the sex practices of Nazis.
3. S5 E3 · The Real Flying Tigers
The mercenary American Volunteer Group known as the Flying Tigers, formed by retired Air Force Capt. Claire L. Chennault in 1941.
4. S5 E4 · The Typhoons' Last Storm
The S.S. uses ships of concentration-camp survivors as bait for British bombers.
5. S5 E5 · Murder in Memphis: Unanswered Questions
Some believe that it was not James Earl Ray who killed Martin Luther King Jr.
6. S5 E6 · The Real Albert Goering
Marshal Hermann Goering's brother rescues victims of Nazi tyranny.
7. S5 E7 · Mercury 13: The Secret Astronauts
In the early 1960s, 13 women qualify as astronauts.
8. S5 E8 · Hunting Hitler
The individuals who tried to alter the course of history by attempting to kill Adolf Hitler.
9. S5 E9 · Jesse James: Fact and Fiction
The remains in Jesse James' grave may be those of someone else.
10. S5 E10 · The Killer Fog
Thousands die during a week of black smog in 1952 London.
11. S5 E11 · John Paul II and the Fall of Communism
Pope John Paul II's trip back to Poland helps to topple Communism.
12. S5 E12 · The Bataan Death March
The abuse inflicted upon U.S. and Filipino prisoners of war who were forced by their Japanese captors to march more than 50 miles to Bataan death camp.
13. S5 E13 · Execution at Camp 21
The last hours of anti-Nazi Wolfgang Rosterg, who was incarcerated with fanatical Nazis at Camp 21 and murdered.
14. S5 E14 · Air America: The CIA's Secret Airline
The civilian airline secretly owned and operated by the CIA, from its secret missions over China and Korea to Vietnam and Laos.
15. S5 E15 · Bay of Pigs Declassified
The Bay of Pigs fiasco became the first foreign policy defeat for the Kennedy administration, and the first time a CIA covert operation was exposed.
16. S5 E16 · Episode 16
17. S5 E17 · Ultimate Weapon: The H-Bomb
Until recently, most documents surrounding the H-bomb were highly classified.
18. S5 E18 · The World's Deepest Dive
Scientists explore the Mariana Trench.
19. S5 E19 · Stolen Gold
Great Olympic athletes feel the gold medal slip through their fingers.
20. S5 E20 · Anatomy of a Coup: The CIA in Iran
The CIA and British Intelligence plan a coup to maintain control over Iranian oil.
21. S5 E21 · Sex in the Civil War
The sexual practices of soldiers during the Civil War.
22. S5 E22 · Psychic Espionage
Psychic spies from the CIA, KGB, MI 5 and spy agencies in Poland, Germany and Israel.
23. S5 E23 · Diplomats for the Damned
A few foreign-service diplomats secretly save Jews from the Nazis.
24. S5 E24 · Concorde: The Plane That Fell to Earth
Air France Concorde flight AF4590 crashes near Le Bourget.