Kidnapping of Baltazar Gąbka

Kidnapping of Baltazar Gąbka Season 1

TV Show

Season 1 Episodes

1. Episode 1

May 1st, 19697 min

2. In the Robbers' Camp

June 1st, 19697 min

The anti-robbers met on their way, invite the Dragon and Bartolini to their cave for a feast. Don Pedro, in disguise, entertains them as a dancing bear. The ringleader opens the vault and gives them a heap of gold.

3. The Merry Cockroach Inn

July 1st, 19697 min

The Wawel Dragon and Bartolini the cook stop at the ‘Jolly Monster’ Inn. Spy Don Pedro follows them. He also gives them red toadstool jam and deflates the tires of their car.

4. The Encounter with the Milk Drinking Dragon

August 1st, 19697 min

The Wawel Dragon and Bartolini the cook reach the Wawel Dragon’s cousin – the Milk Drinking Dragon. Thanks to a wiretap, spy Don Pedro finds out that professor Gabka has been arrested.

5. In the Land of King Sunny

September 1st, 19697 min

Don Pedro reaches King Sunshine with a telegram notifying that two not tanned people have arrived at the kingdom. The king wants to see the people and force them to sunbathe. He also invites them to visit the deckchair factory.

6. The Escape

October 1st, 19697 min

King Sunshine wants to imprison the Wawel Dragon and Bartolini the cook for two weeks until they get tanned. The friends plan to escape under cover of night.

7. In the Land of Bo-Bo

January 1st, 19707 min

The Dragon and Bartolini, despite the obstacles, reach the land of the Grumpy Hippopotamus. The hippopotamus kindly advises them to use a raft, the monkeys help to build it.

8. Across the Three Seas

February 1st, 19707 min

On their raft, the Dragon and Bartolini travel across three seas in order to reach the Land of the Raincoats. The saw fish cuts off their gas tank, and Don Pedro destroys the raft. The dragon saves them and fishes up the car.

9. Across the Land of the Raincoats

March 1st, 19706 min

Don Pedro, disguised as a guard, offers the dragon and Bartolini a pass to the Land of the Raincoats. Firstly, he prepares dinner for them – poisoned lamb. The dragon reminds himself the legend of Szewczyk Dratewka. The unmasked spy escapes in the dragon’s car.

10. Conquest of the Palace

April 1st, 19706 min

Don Pedro reaches the king of the Land of the Raincoats. The king orders his army to sink his enemy. The dragon and the cook successfully resist the attack, and the army put down their weapons. They learn that professor Gabka has been sent to the wet pits.

11. The Night Battle

May 1st, 19707 min

The Wawel Dragon and Bartolini the cook fight a night battle against Wir-Siapawica’s gang. They manage to defeat the enemy and also free professor Gabka, previously kidnapped by the gang.

12. Episode 12

June 1st, 19707 min

Don Pedro hangs over the precipice and calls for help. The Wawel Dragon and Bartolini come to the rescue of him. Don Pedro introduces himself as ‘a very important official.’ He eats a meal together with his saviours.

13. Direction Krakow

July 1st, 19707 min

In order to get back to Cracow faster, the Wawel Dragon and Bartolini the cook transform their car into an airplane. The king and the townspeople cheer for them in St. Mary's Square.