Season 3 Plot
Finally a hunting show the whole family will enjoy. Share camp with the HB crew as they take to the field for another season chasing antelope, mule deer, bear, elk, turkey, and whitetail deer across the Midwest. The Heartland Bowhunter crew does it again bringing you as close as you can get to the outdoors while still sitting on the couch with stunning HD video. Join the team through their ups and downs as they travel down that "wicked twisted road."
Heartland Bowhunter Season 3 aired on June 30th, 2010.
Season 3 Episodes
1. Speedgoats and Screamin' Bulls
Shawn and Jeff stalk Antelope in the plains of South Dakota, and then on to Montana for bull Elk.
2. Velvet Res Tag
Back home in Montana preparing for Whitetail Deer season. Dustin travels to Nebraska, hunting early velvet bucks.
3. Oh My Gosh!
Mike and Skyler drive to North Dakota hunting velvet Whitetail Deer from tree-stands. After running out of light, Skyler stalks a big buck on foot.
4. Quality Deer Managment
Quality deer management is the theme. Follow along as the crew manages their whitetail heard and experiences some of the tough decisions that must be made in a full blown QDM program.
5. Sandhill Mulies
Jeff is spot & stalking huge mule deer in the sand hills of Nebraska and South Dakota.
6. Decoys and Trouble
Mike and Skyler travel to Northwest Missouri, decoy in tow. Dusty catches up with 'Trouble' a buck he knows all too well.
7. Lucky Tree
Mike & Jeff are hunting giant whitetails during the rut in Iowa. Mike is hunting the loess hills with Whitetail Properties Jason Smith and Chad Freeberg, while Jeff returns to one of his favorite trees in Iowa aiming to harvest an Iowa buck for the second straight season.
8. Post-Rut
The rut is winding down and the deer are transitioning back to the food sources. The guys change their strategies and try to capitalize on hungry vulnerable bucks.
9. Sticker 8
Mike and Shawn pursue a cat-like, Missouri buck with what seems like 9 lives. After watching 'Sticker 8' all summer, they finally catch up with him for the first time in the stand in early November.
10. White Brothers
The guys travel to central Kansas to hunt turkeys with the newest members of the crew, Nick, Matt, and Scott White.
11. Who's That lady?
The team is chasing turkeys back home in Missouri.
12. Northern Missouri Gobblers
The crew heads to the big timber of Northeast Missouri in pursuit of big eastern gobblers.
13. Boys on Bears
Head to Manitoba for Nick's first black bear.