Season 1 Plot
Hearfield is a British period police drama and The series is set in the 1960s and focuses on the lives of Sergeant Nick Rowan and Dr. Jo Rowan and the residence of both Aidensfield and Ashfordly. The programme is a spin-off of period drama series Heartbeat and the series will feature crossovers with Heartbeat characters and appearances by its cast members.
Hearfield Season 1 aired on June 19th, 2026.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Hearfield is a British period police drama and The series is set in the 1960s and focuses on the lives of Sergeant Nick Rowan and Dr. Jo Rowan and the residence of both Aidensfield and Ashfordly. The programme is a spin-off of period drama series Heartbeat and the series will feature crossovers with Heartbeat characters and appearances by its cast members.