Season 2 Plot
Season Two follows former literature professor, Harry Wild, who has found an unusual pastime in retirement: solving crimes along with her young partner in PI work, Fergus Reid. When Fergus’s mother suddenly turns up, years after abandoning her family, they have a deeply personal mystery to solve: What are her intentions? And can he trust her?
Harry Wild Season 2 aired on October 9th, 2023.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Silence Dogood Did Bad
When Ray is murdered, Harry and Fergus will stop at nothing to find the killer.
2. The Village Has Eyes
Harry and Fergus look into a woman’s disappearance from a village with a history of devil worship.
3. A Botox a Day Keeps the Mortician in Pay
When a maid of honor is poisoned at a bachelorette party, Harry and Fergus have plenty of suspects.
4. Orla Wild's Wicked Wicked Ways
When an old friend is framed for murder, Orla must ask the last person she wants to for help—Harry.
5. Professor Wild in the Library with the Revolver
The fun dies at a hotel’s murder-mystery party as participants realize a murderer lurks among them.
6. He Could’ve Been a Contender Until They Chopped His Arms Off
When the owner of Fergus’s boxing gym is murdered, he and Harry try to find the killer.