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Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

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Season 1 Episodes

1. Aaaggghh! (Aaahh !)

November 7th, 2005

When Harry has a bad dream, he tries to hide from it in Dino World.

2. Overdue! (En retard !)

November 8th, 2005

Harry's dinosaur book is due at the library, but Harry does not want to bring it back. He decides to hide it in Dino World.

3. But I Like Mud!

November 9th, 200511 min

Harry is outside, playing in a mud puddle and getting really dirty. His Nana tells him it's time to take a bath, but he says he doesn't like baths because the soap gets in his eyes. Nana recommends a solution for this, but Harry decides he still doesn't want to take a bath and makes a break for it. He and the dinosaurs go to Dino World, where Harry decides to do his best to become the dirtiest, stinkest boy ever. The dinosaurs recommend he play in primordial ooze, but it isn't nearly stinky enough for him. He and the dinosaurs go on a safari through the stinkiest areas of Dino World, but when Harry wants to visit Stinky Swamp, the dinosaurs bail out. Then, Harry meets someone at Stinky Swamp who begins to change his opinion.

4. It's a Kitty! (C'est un chaton !)

November 10th, 200511 min

Charlie brings a new kitty named Buster over to Harry's house. Harry thinks the new kitty is very cute and small and Nana suggests that they take the kitty out to the backyard. There, Harry's dinosaurs spot the kitty and believe it to be some kind of new toy, or a new dinosaur. Then, the kitty scares them all and the lot of them end up in Dino World. Harry heads to Dino World to search for Buster, while Charlie waits in case Buster comes back. Harry convinces the dinosaurs that Buster is a nice kitty and they all go on a safari to get him back. They face obstacles including think jungle and the legendary Soda Fountain Valley.

5. Can I Join? (Je viens avec toi ?)

November 11th, 2005

It seems like everyone belongs to some sort of club or group except Harry. His Mom's in a jogging club, Charlie attends karate lessons and his sister and her friends have a band. Harry and the dinosaurs decide to create their own club, but can't decide on what to do. They try several ideas, but nothing seems to work out.

6. What Mess? (Quel Fouillis !)

November 12th, 2005

Harry is looking for his building blocks, but can't seem to find them anywhere in his room. His Mom says that his room is a mess and that she's going out to the grocery store, but she wants to see it neat and tidy by the time she comes back. Harry doesn't like this idea at all, but he loves it when Taury tells him that there's a no-cleaning rule in Dino World. He just made that rule up and so Harry and the dinosaurs test it out. They soon create a colossal mess and then Harry decides to dump the stuff from his room in Dino World. Patsy warns that it will all end in tears, but Harry goes ahead with the plan anyway. Pretty soon, Dino World has turned into garbage world --- it's a garbage emergency!

7. Uh Oh! (Oh ho !)

November 13th, 2005

Harry accidentally breaks a cup. He and his friend Charlie go with the dinosaurs to Dino World to fix it.

8. Nobody's Listening to Me! (Il n'y a personne qui m'ᅢテᅡᄅcoute !)

November 14th, 2005

Harry has begun work on a story about his dinosaurs and him. He's only just started and wants help with it, but it seems like all of his family and even his dinosaurs are too busy to listen to him. He decides to hop into Dino World by himself, hoping to find someone there who will listen to him. The dinosaurs, realizing they've messed up, join Harry in Dino World and apologize. They agree to listen to the story, but then argue loudly about what should happen next. They all lose their voices and Harry tracks them to Echo Canyon, where he learns from a southern-country from named Clem that the voices are there in the canyon. They're rolling about in a big ball and have become all messed up because of the arguing.

9. I Wish! (Je voudrais …)

November 15th, 2005

There are lots of things Harry wishes for, but his wishes never seem to come true. Tired of this, he wonders if there's a place where his wishes could come true. A wishing-well in Dino World is suggested. Patsy doesn't like the idea but is overruled, so everyone heads to Dino World. The wishing-well grants Harry a set of magic wishing stones and he and the dinosaurs get wishing. They soon fritter away their wishes and then Harry makes the worst wish of all by accident.

10. Yo Ho Ho! (Yo ho ho)

November 16th, 2005

Harry is playing a pirate game with Charlie. He's declared himself the Captain, but Charlie wants away from the game when Harry won't let her be Captain too. Harry says he won't apologize because pirates never do and he goes with the dinosaurs to Dino World to play pirates there. Once there, Harry becomes an even scurvier pirate Captain and works his dinosaurs to death. They don't meet his demanding standards and he even tries to make Pterence walk the plank. The dinosaurs mutiny and Harry is left on an island. There, he meets a new friend and comes to a conclusion as to how he should really handle the situation.

11. Harry Ace Reporter! (Harry grand reporter !}

November 17th, 2005

Harry wants to be an ace reporter, but he can't find any stories. When one of the dinosaurs mentions a dinosaur race they go to Dino World to report on it.

12. What's for Breakfast? (Qu'est-ce qu'on mange ce matin ?)

November 18th, 2005

Harry enjoys a good breakfast, but he'd love to be eating something like bacon and eggs, or waffles. When protests at Nana's oatmeal, he's told that he isn't at restaurant. Harry dumps the oatemal in a potted plant then heads off to Dino World with the dinosaurs to create his own restaurant. At first, the dinosaurs are all impressed by the great service of ""diner-world."" Pretty soon, however, things start to go wrong and Harry realizes that running a restaruant isn't all that easy. He learns an important lesson in appreciating what others do for you.

13. I Wish It Would Stop Raining! (Je voudrais qu’il cesse de pleuvoir !)

November 19th, 2005

Harry and his family visit the beach, but a rainstorm spoils Harry's planned fun --- making a sandcastle and swimming in the ocean. He wishes that it would never rain again. Back at home, there's a strange light pouring out of Harry's bucket, emanating from Dino World. Harry and the dinosaurs jump in and find that Dino World has turned into some sort of barren wasteland. All of the oceans and rivers have dried up and now the fish are in danger.

14. I Still Can't Hear You (Je ne t'entends plus !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry has to give a speech to his classmates at school. He's very nervous and even some reassurance from Nana doesn't help much. It turns out that Steggy has to give a speech in Dino World, so Harry decides to join the dinosaurs for the speech. There, he learns that making a speech, especially to a group of friends, is nothing to be afraid of.

15. I Keep Going Over the Edges! (Je dᅢテᅡᄅpasse toujours en coloriant !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is trying to color a picture, but can't seem to stay inside the lines. He and his dinosaurs decide to go to Dino World in search for a sheet of paper so huge that they don't even have to worry about staying inside the lines. They find an area in Dino World that they've never seen before --- it's completely in black-and-white! There, they meet up with a zebra who says that he prefers it this way, but Harry decides to help him out by showing him what color is like.

16. Origami! (Un origami !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is with Nana who is showing him the Japaense practice of folding paper to make artistic creations --- origami. Harry has a lot of trouble with it, but he wants to make an origami creation as a present for Nana. He decides to go to Dino World, thinking he may be able to simply find one there. In Dino World, he and the dinosaurs meet up with Tatsu, a dragon that makes beautiful origami. However, his creations are always ruined due to his fire-breath, which he can't control.

17. Me First (Moi d'abord !)

January 1st, 2006

While playing with Charlie, Harry keeps wanting to go first and Nana warns him that he's not using his best manners. In fact, it seems that Charlie doesn't want to play with Harry anymore because of his behavior. Nana decides to teach Harry about manners by giving him a book all about knights. Harry decides to go play knights in Dino World. Rather than learning all of the rules of knighthood, though, he decides to simply go on a quest to slay a dragon. When things don't go quite as planned, he finds that maybe manners are important after all.

18. Can I Keep It? (Est-ce que je peux le garder ?)

January 1st, 2006

While playing outside, Harry discovers a baby bird. He wants to keep it, but Nana says that it should be with its mother. Harry goes to Dino World in search of a pet. He and the dinosaurs come across a bird egg, a very large one. Soon, they find themselves caring for a baby bird and it's a much more difficult job than they thought. Harry begins to wonder if maybe taking care of a pet isn't his thing.

19. I Don't Wanna Go to Bed (Je ne veux pas aller au lit !)

January 1st, 2006

It's 9 P.M. and Harry is full of energy. His Mom warns him that he needs a good sleep because he has to get up early for a hike with Nana tomorrow. Harry, however, feels that he can stay up all night. He decides the perfect place for this is Dino World. Once there, he holds races and all sorts of other activities with the dinosaurs. Then, his alarm clock shows up and warns him how late it is. Harry dismisses the clock, saying that he doesn't need him, but when it gets to be around three hours before 6 A.M., Harry begins to realize that he needs sleep after all.

24. To Outerspace! (Dans la galaxie)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is playing a game of "outerspace" with two toy robots, red and blue, but seems to be disturbing his family with the game. He decides to go to Dino World in search of new frontiers to explore. He and his dinosaurs land on the blue planet, where a much larger version of the Blue Robot lives. They discover that the Blue Robot is at war with the Red Robot and they keep shooting colored paint at each other. Harry and his dinosaurs do their best to make peace with them and stop the silly fight over whether red or blue is a better color. They just can't seem to get them to stop fighting until Harry comes up with a bright idea.

25. Steggy's Not Here! (Steggy a disparu !)

January 1st, 2006

Taury, Patsy, Sid and Trike, Pterence, Steggy, what a sight! Harry and his dinosaurs are quite a team, but now one of their own, Steggy, has gone missing! Harry's worried that he may have left him at Magic Land, an amusement park he visited with Sam and his Mom. Sam won a giant elephant-toy after playing all the games at the park, but Harry didn't win anything and now he's down one dinosaur. Steggy definitely isn't in the bucket and a thorough search of the car and Harry's belonging's comes up empty as well. Harry and the dinosaurs realize that ther'e somewhere else they might find Steggy - in Dino World. They all hop into a bucket and find themselves in an amusement park similar to Magic Land. They search everywhere, even a scary haunted house, but come empty. All their searching, however, leads to a surprising idea as to just where Steggy might be.

26. Super Harry! (Super Harry)

January 1st, 2006

Harry has donned a cape and is playing Super Harry, but runs into a problem in that nobody in his home seems to be in need of help or saving. Sam sends him away because she's in the middle of talking with a friend and Nana doesn't need any help either. Then, he tries to help Mom with the groceries, but ends up making a mess and causing her to lose her car keys. He tries to help clean up, but Mom says she'll do it on her own. Harry and the dinosaurs decide to travel to Dino World in search of superhero adventures. Once there, though, Harry becomes down on himself because he doesn't have any superpowers. The dinos help him to see that with their help, he can truly be super.

27. Today's the Day! (C'est le grand jour !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry gets up early and dresses up nicely to practice for a school concert. He's distracted, however, by various noises. He hops into Dino World for peace and quiet. At first, the dinos don't quite get it and to add insult to injury, a rooster crows. There's finally quiet, but then Harry gets nervous and edgy. His nervousness causes his very own musical notes to run away.

28. You're Too Little! (Tu es trop petit)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is tired of being small. He's always trying to reach up for things, but ends up needing help. He wants to do things on his own. His Nana suggests drinking milk, but it doesn't seem to help him grow fast enough. He visits Dino World, where he finds a mechanical cow with milk that can instantly change his size. He tries it out, but finds that sizes it's changing him too are definitely not ideal.

29. Can You Hear a Drip? (Qu'est-ce qui coule ?)

January 1st, 2006

It's a rainy day outside of Harry's place, but it seems like it's raining outside too. There's a leak all over the first floor, but nobody can seem to figure out where it's coming from. They try all sorts of things to keep the water from flooding the house, but when Harry's bucket is placed by Sam under a leak, Dino World is flooded. Harry joins Taury, who managed to hang on and they head to Dino World to search for their lost friends. The two find themselves in a submarine and begin their search. They find their friends in some unusual situations --- Trike is being hugged and cuddled by a giant octopus and all of the rest except Pterence seem to be trapped in a spongy cave with many entrances. As Harry sees more and more of this, the objects begin to seem familiar to him.

30. Get Growing! (Allez, pousse !)

January 1st, 2006

It's Mother's Day and Harry wanted to grow a special flower for his Mom, but his plant doesn't seem to be growing. He drenches it with water, but Nana warns him that drowning it won't help it grow any faster. She gives him some special plant food to help out, but says it will still take time. Harry's worried that it won't grow in time, so he and the dinosaurs visit Dino World, seeking some sort of way to grow flowers faster. They come upon a lush flower garden, but the slow Snail garden-keeper doesn't seem to be the solution to their problems. They decide to try going it on their own, with disastrous results.

31. Let's Rock! (Quel rythme !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry's sister Sam has created a band with her friends and Harry wants to be in it. Thing is that Harry seems to be playing out of tune and so Sam feels he's not ready for a band. Harry searches for places to practice, but can't seem to find an ideal location, until he decides to go play in Dino World. Harry and his dinosaurs find a stage in Dino World and decide to make their own instruments. They have a great time playing, but Pterence doesn't seem to be playing at the same speed as everyone else. When the rest of the dinosaurs insult his play, Pterence himself leaves the band in search of somewhere else to play.

32. Achoo (Achtoum )

January 1st, 2006

Harry has been in bed the past few days with a bad cold. When Charlie shows up outside, he wants to go out and play, but is caught by his Mom after he sneezes. Harry is worried he's just going to be stuck in bed, but then decides he could have fun in Dino World. The dinosaurs think this is a great idea and so they all jump in. At first, everyone has a great time just romping around. Then, the dinosaurs all start coming down with strange ailments. It seems they've caught Harry's cold, but it's manifesting itself in bizarre ways in each dinosaur. Harry is very upset he caused his dinosaurs to get sick and vows to care for them.

33. Who Says My Dinosaurs Aren't Cool (Qui a dit que mes dinosaures ne sont pas chouettes)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is outside during at recess at his preschool. His friend Charlie has just told him that a boy named Colin Carlisle said that his dinosaurs aren't cool. Colin proceeds to show off a robotic dinosaur of his own --- the new Raging Rex 5000. Harry and Charlie are a bit in awe of this dinosaur and even Harry's own dinosaurs are a bit envious of this machine's seeming power. They get annoyed, however, when Harry decides he'll make a robotic dinosaur of his own, rather than show them at show-and-tell. Harry hops into Dino World and they reluctantly come along with him. Harry goes ahead with the creation of his own dinosaur, but finds he's created a monster.

35. I Wish I Was a Builder! (Je vais construire une maison)

January 1st, 2006

Observing a construction project, Harry expresses the wish to be a builder. He says he'd like to build something that's a million stories tall. His Mom supports his idea of being a builder, but says he'll have to get started right away if he wants to build a million stories. Harry decides to take the dinosaurs to Dino World to get started. Once there, they all disagree on what they should build. They decide to all build separate things. The building goes great for most of them, but they run into a problem when they build so high that it blocks out the sun.

38. Unknown

January 1st, 2006

Taury, Patsy, Sid and Trike, Pterence, Steggy, what a sight! Harry and his dinosaurs are quite a team, but now one of their own, Steggy, has gone missing! Harry's worried that he may have left him at Magic Land, an amusement park he visited with Sam and his Mom. Sam won a giant elephant-toy after playing all the games at the park, but Harry didn't win anything and now he's down one dinosaur. Steggy definitely isn't in the bucket and a thorough search of the car and Harry's belonging's comes up empty as well. Harry and the dinosaurs realize that ther'e somewhere else they might find Steggy - in Dino World. They all hop into a bucket and find themselves in an amusement park similar to Magic Land. They search everywhere, even a scary haunted house, but come empty. All their searching, however, leads to a surprising idea as to just where Steggy might be.

39. I Promise! (Je le promets)

January 1st, 2006

Harry makes a promise to take good care of Charlie's Sergeant Shout action figure when he borrows it. He takes it into Dino World, and Sergeant Shout comes to life and mistreats Harry and the dinosaurs. Can Harry and the dinosaurs keep their cool and their promise?

40. Abracadabra! (Abracadabra)

January 1st, 2006

Harry wants to do magic, but his tricks never seem to work out right. He can't make flowers appear out of thin air and he can't make Charlie's rabbit, Wiggle Nose, disappear. Disappointed, he heads into Dino World in the hope of finding a solution. He follows a tricky card to a place of magic and meets a Book of Magic. He also finds a magic wand, which the book warns him not to use. He does, however, and his bad magic causes some strange things to happen to his dinosaurs.

41. Hail the Queen (Vive la reine !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry and his dinosaur friends play a pretend game about royalty.

42. What Happens Next? (Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ensuite?)

January 1st, 2006

Harry wonders what will happen next.

43. Circus (Le cirque !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry and his dinosaurs attend the circus.

44. When I Grow Up (Quand je serai grand)

January 1st, 2006

Harry fantasizes about what he'll do when he groups up.

45. The Mailman's Here! (Le facteur est passᅢテᅡᄅ !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry is excited about the coming of the mail.

46. I Can Play Music (Je vais jouer de la musique !)

January 1st, 2006

Harry plays music.

47. Help! (ᅢテ¬ツᆲ l'aide)

January 1st, 2006

Harry needs help with something.

48. It's in Nana's Room (Dans la chambre de mamie)

January 1st, 2006

Something of Harry's is in Nana's room.

49. Can I Sleep in my Tent? (Je peux dormir dans ma tente ?)

January 1st, 2006

Harry wants to sleep in a tent.

50. I Spy (Je pense…)

January 1st, 2006

Harry and his dinosaurs play a game of I Spy.

51. Is It Really Made of Cheese? (C'est du fromage!)

January 1st, 2006

Harry wonders if the moon is really made of cheese.

52. I Can't find my Favourite Sock

March 2nd, 2025

53. Splash

March 2nd, 2025

54. I See A Seashell

March 2nd, 2025

55. Zooom!

March 2nd, 2025

56. Yee-Haw

March 2nd, 2025

57. I Wish I Could Fly

March 2nd, 2025