Season 1 Plot
"Golpe de Suerte" tells the lives of three families from different social classes. First there are the Pérez Flores, who live in Neza and are made up of Ignacio, Julia and their children Ronaldo and Wendy. The second family is made up of Miranda Ortiz and her little son Diego; They live in the Roma neighborhood in the house of César Traven, a generous elderly antiques dealer. And finally there are Brenda Uriarte, her brother Tony, her stepmother Constanza and her stepsister Sabrina, an upper middle class family. Each of these families will experience a radical change in their lives the day they win two hundred million pesos.
Golpe de Suerte Season 1 aired on October 15th, 2023.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
2. Episode 2
3. Episode 3
4. Episode 4
5. Episode 5
6. Episode 6
7. Episode 7
8. Episode 8
9. Episode 9
10. Episode 10
11. Episode 11
12. Episode 12
13. Episode 13
14. Episode 14
15. Episode 15
16. Episode 16
17. Episode 17
18. Episode 18
19. Episode 19
20. Episode 20
21. Episode 21
22. Episode 22
23. Episode 23
24. Episode 24
25. Episode 25
26. Episode 26
27. Episode 27
28. Episode 28
29. Episode 29
30. Episode 30
31. Episode 31
32. Episode 32
33. Episode 33
34. Episode 34
35. Episode 35
36. Episode 36
37. Episode 37
38. Episode 38
39. Episode 39
40. Episode 40
41. Episode 41
42. Episode 42
43. Episode 43
44. Episode 44
45. Episode 45
46. Episode 46
47. Episode 47
48. Episode 48
49. Episode 49
50. Episode 50
51. Episode 51
52. Episode 52
53. Episode 53
54. Episode 54
55. Episode 55
56. Episode 56
57. Episode 57
58. Episode 58
59. Episode 59
60. Episode 60
61. Episode 61
62. Episode 62
63. Episode 63
64. Episode 64
65. Episode 65
66. Episode 66
67. Episode 67
68. Episode 68
69. Episode 69
70. Episode 70
71. Episode 71
72. Episode 72
73. Episode 73
74. Episode 74
75. Episode 75
76. Episode 76
77. Episode 77
78. Episode 78
79. Episode 79
80. Episode 80
81. Episode 81
82. Episode 82
83. Episode 83
84. Episode 84
85. Episode 85
86. Episode 86
87. Episode 87
88. Episode 88
89. Episode 89
90. Episode 90
Sabrina is reunited with her mother, but when trying to communicate with her, she receives terrible news. Miranda finds Tony's whereabouts and with the help of the authorities, she manages to rescue him so that he can be reunited with her sister Brenda.
91. Episode final parte 1
Brenda receives a message from Alan who does not hesitate to express his admiration for denouncing Dante Ferrer and reiterates the great affection he has for him. Eva does not want the child she is expecting to be born in prison, so she decides to hurt herself. Nacho suffers an attack. When trying to flee from the police, Dante decides to run to save himself; However, he falls off a cliff which causes his death.
92. Episode final parte 2
Tadeo contacts Miranda to inform her that Dante's money has already been confiscated and does not hesitate to tell Brenda that there is a good chance of recovering her fortune. Roxana's ghost appears to Tadeo. Miranda and Tadeo get married in a civil ceremony with the people most dear to them as witnesses. Lupita and Nacho celebrate her silver wedding anniversary and he swears before God to respect her and love her for an eternity.