Season 1 Plot
Girls In The House features Honey, Duny and Alex, three girls who run a boarding house and experience the craziest things.
Girls in the House Season 1 aired on November 19th, 2014.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Date Night (Pilot)
Duny is competing at American Idol while Alex flirts with James Roberto and Honey does nothing much.
2. Strange Events
Someone is stealing things from the boarding house and the girls get together to try to find out who it is.
3. Young Generation
Duny, Honey and Alex welcome a group of children and will help them rehearse for a play.
4. Back Off, Couple Stuff
In a wedding mood, the girls welcome James Roberto and Matilde to the guesthouse, once again.
5. Girls in The Haunted House
"Girls in The Haunted House" is a horror special!
6. Santa Doens't Give a F
The girls come together to look for a Santa Claus for Christmas.
7. Revenge Play
After a robbery at the boarding house, Honey, Duny and Alex discover a conspiracy against them.
8. Wellcome Back, and Baby
An unexpected return surprises Alex and Honey and to their surprise, there is someone pregnant at the guesthouse.
9. OMG
The big day has arrived for Matilde and James Roberto! The girls at the boarding house are in for a surprise when nothing goes as they imagined.