Season 1 Plot
Fifty years in the future, an oppressive authoritarian force threatens to conquer the world. A daring team is recruited to pilot a new form of weaponized neuroscience that powers devastating mecha, but they must be willing to sacrifice everything to save the world.
gen:LOCK Season 1 aired on January 26th, 2019.
Season 1 Episodes
1. The Pilot
Earth, 2068. City by city, free society is being forcibly absorbed into a vast autocracy. One military force holds the line. One pilot could turn the tide.
2. There's Always Tomorrow
Earth, 2072. Chase tries reconnecting with Miranda and the Vanguard. Doc’s new recruits arrive with more than a few questions and one perilous secret.
3. Second Birthday
The Colonel raises concerns about Doc’s residency. Chase feels the impact of absence. The new recruits are introduced to the potential of using gen:LOCK mecha for combat.
4. Training Daze
The gen:LOCK team begins rigorous training to master their mecha. The recruits get better acquainted during a rare moment of downtime. While on the gen:LOCK team’s first field mission, a new threat emerges from the shadows.
5. The Best Defense
A recruit’s talent for tinkering raises concerns. Chase receives an overdue upgrade. The Vanguard goes on the offensive and engages a frighteningly familiar foe.
6. The Only Me I Know
Doc reflects on past events before deciding his future. The gen:LOCK team is tested like never before when the battle arrives at the Vanguard’s front door.
7. It Never Rains...
On the run, the team learns more about the origins of gen:LOCK and one another. New potential allies are revealed.
8. Identity Crisis
The team must evolve further if they hope to make a stand against the Union’s deadliest weapon.