Watch 'General Hospital' Season 61 Online

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Season 61 Episodes

1. Tuesday September 5 2023

September 5th, 202336 min

Sonny is in the hot seat. Diane is called to action. Ava presses Mason. Cyrus toys with Drew. Carly wants answers.

2. Wednesday September 6 2023

September 6th, 202336 min

Kristina and Dante commiserate. Cody is on a mission. Anna follows Valentin. Alexis is blunt with Nina. TJ and Molly are hopeful.

3. Thursday September 7

September 7th, 202336 min

Sam comes clean. Mac is determined. Trina confides in Josslyn. Gregory loses his nerve. Molly and Kristina clash.

4. Friday September 8 2023

September 8th, 202336 min

Dex opens up to Josslyn. Anna is apologetic. Eddie Maine is in his element. Cody has a revelation. Ava gives advice to Nina.

5. Monday September 11 2023

September 11th, 202336 min

Sonny's loved ones rally around him. Maxie briefs Felicia. Esme makes herself scarce. TJ and Molly make an announcement. Spencer makes a romantic gesture.

6. Tuesday September 12 2023

September 12th, 202336 min

Sonny admits to something. Gladys receives disturbing news. Chase's interest is piqued. Liz notices Jake maturing. Michael comes for an unexpected visit.

7. Wednesday September 13 2023

September 13th, 202336 min

Maxie is a combative person. Dante and Sam shook their heads. Tracy will not budge. Jordan is looking for answers. Carly interrogates Sonny.

8. Thursday September 14 2023

September 14th, 202336 min

Sasha is taken aback. Austin beseeches Ava. Dante expresses his regret. Carly and Drew devise a strategy.

9. Friday September 15 2023

September 15th, 202336 min

Martin encounters an unsettling sight. Spencer approaches Alexis with a request. Carly offers some unsolicited counsel to Ava. Trina and Josslyn have an argument. Valentin is confronted by Anna.

10. Monday September 18 2023

September 18th, 202336 min

Valentin gets a shock. Martin is in the hot seat. Brook Lynn makes a confession. Marshall is concerned. Nina offers assistance.

11. Tuesday September 19 2023

September 19th, 202336 min

Marshall is adamant. Eddie books a gig. Portia feels left out. Sonny cautions Dex. Anna gets a visitor.

12. Wednesday September 20 2023

September 20th, 202336 min

Brook Lynn rebukes Tracy. Lucy and Maxie clash. Nina treads carefully. Cody apologizes. Liz and Finn weigh in on Gregory's care.

13. Thursday September 21 2023

September 21st, 202336 min

Drew updates Carly. Diane meets with Robert. Anna hits a dead end. Sam asks Willow for a favor. Valentin seeks out Dante.

14. Friday September 22 2023

September 22nd, 202336 min

Curtis voices his reservations. Spencer and Trina are filled with anticipation. Drew is targeted. Kristina makes a new friend. Molly gets welcome news.

15. Monday September 25 2023

September 25th, 202336 min

Elizabeth updates Carly. Portia apologizes. Sonny races to the hospital. Valentin unveils a surprise. Jake makes a confession.

16. Tuesday September 26 2023

September 26th, 202336 min

Sonny voices his regret. Carly confronts Ava. Chase makes an arrest. Gladys is frantic. Finn encourages Anna.

17. Wednesday September 27 2023

September 27th, 202336 min

Eddie and Olivia share a charged moment. Sam and Dante fill in Chase. Michael is anxious. Kristina is insistent. Sasha unleashes her anger.

18. Thursday September 28 2023

September 28th, 202336 min

Cyrus takes a meeting, Ava and Josslyn find common ground, and Mac offers reassurance. Meanwhile, Cody loses his cool, and Sasha feels betrayed.

19. Friday September 29 2023

September 29th, 202336 min

Sonny and Nina have a heart-to-heart. Michael confers with Carly. Willow is rattled. Laura makes a realization. Ava receives an unwelcome visitor.

20. Monday October 2 2023

October 2nd, 202336 min

Valentin confers with Martin, Kevin shares his theory, and Laura is insistent. Meanwhile, Anna voices her suspicions, and Gladys is in the hot seat.

21. Thursday October 5 2023

October 5th, 202336 min

Spencer and Trina affirm their feelings, Sonny issues a threat, and Tracy has a slip of the tongue. Meanwhile, Valentin surprises Anna, and Sasha is in danger.

22. Friday October 6 2023

October 6th, 202336 min

Michael and Willow ponder a decision, Carly is shaken, and Anna makes a request. Meanwhile, Nina shares news with Valentin, and Kristina is filled with anticipation.

23. Monday October 9 2023

October 9th, 202336 min

Chase opens up, Nina gets a welcome surprise, and Finn warns Gregory. Meanwhile, Cyrus suffers a setback, and Lucy makes a big decision.

24. Wednesday October 11 2023

October 11th, 202336 min

Stella acclimates Felicia, Lois returns, and Trina catches up with Curtis and Marshall. Then, Elizabeth makes a confession, and Spencer gets an update on Nikolas.

25. Thursday October 12 2023

October 12th, 202336 min

Josslyn is blindsided, concerns about Ava grow, and Austin is blackmailed. Meanwhile, Willow is unsettled, and Scott takes on a new client.

26. Friday October 13 2023

October 13th, 202336 min

Selina visits Curtis, Portia shares career news, and Joss and Dex seek Spinelli's help. Then, Michael is left reeling and Sonny and Nina's wedding day arrives.

27. Monday October 16 2023

October 16th, 202336 min

Blaze surprises Kristina, Sasha makes a revelation, and Carly opens up to Sam. Then, Michael plays dirty, and Maxie and Lucy consider naming a new Face of Deception.

28. Tuesday October 17 2023

October 17th, 202336 min

Lois meets Chase. Eddie gets a talking-to. Josslyn panics. Cyrus issues a warning. Ava is in grave danger.

29. Wednesday October 18 2023

October 18th, 202336 min

Lois addresses Tracy directly while Austin questions Dex. Blaze confides in Kristina, and Portia and Curtis address their problems head-on.

30. Thursday October 19 2023

October 19th, 202336 min

Finn offers a romantic proposal. Maxie seeks guidance from Felicia. Laura becomes the confidante of Valentin. Jordan faces a confrontation with Portia. Gregory has doubts.

31. Friday October 20 2023

October 20th, 202336 min

Alexis is disheartened. Spencer and Esme argue. Dante is frustrated. Valentin surprises Charlotte. Diane and Robert have a heart-to-heart.

32. Monday October 23 2023

October 23rd, 202336 min

Brook Lynn is stunned. Cody voices his gratitude. Tracy flexes her authority. Portia and Cyrus come face-to-face. Sonny confronts Selina.

33. Tuesday October 24 2023

October 24th, 202336 min

Laura confronts Scott, Cyrus delivers a threat, and Lucy seeks out Tracy. Meanwhile, Michael ponders a big decision, and Nina chews out Martin.

34. Wednesday October 25 2023

October 25th, 202336 min

Willow and Obrecht catch up, Dante checks on Cody, and Nina is blindsided. Meanwhile, Carly gets unsettling news, and Maxie shares her professional opinion.

35. Thursday October 26 2023

October 26th, 202336 min

Curtis is livid; Sonny and Dante have a heart-to-heart, and Josslyn is outraged. Meanwhile, Felicia makes a costly mistake, and Cody is given food for thought.

36. Friday October 27 2023

October 27th, 202336 min

Elizabeth learns a new skill, Alexis and Laura catch up, and TJ is disappointed. Meanwhile, Trina comes face-to-face with Cyrus, and Austin loses his cool.

37. Monday October 30 2023

October 30th, 202336 min

Austin drowns his sorrows. Sonny has a warm reunion. Laura and Ava catch up. Liz and Finn get closer. Olivia defends Eddie.

38. Tuesday October 31 2023

October 31st, 202336 min

Anna makes a move. Laura seeks Sonny's help. Cyrus pays an unwanted visit. Trina has a nightmare. Valentin and Charlotte strike a deal.

39. Wednesday November 1 2023

November 1st, 202336 min

Halloween kicks off in Port Charles. Ava gets an offer. Robert and Scott clash. Carly issues a warning. Lois encourages Eddie.

40. Thursday November 2 2023

November 2nd, 202336 min

Felicia delivers a gift to Anna. Trina commends Spencer. Charlotte is on a mission. Sonny reassures Michael. Maxie delivers big news.

41. Friday November 3 2023

November 3rd, 202336 min

Willow opens up to Michael. Laura and Kevin debrief. Alexis senses a shift between Kristina and Molly. Sam checks on Carly. Valentin is alarmed.

42. Monday November 6 2023

November 6th, 202336 min

Sam and Dante voice their concern. Finn is uneasy. Esme makes a confession. Chase puts his foot in his mouth. Valentin is horrified.

43. Tuesday November 7 2023

November 7th, 202336 min

Sonny offers support to Anna. Robert offers an explanation. Gregory helps Alexis with an ethical issue. Sam is overjoyed. Curtis gets valuable advice.

44. Wednesday November 8 2023

November 8th, 202336 min

Tracy makes an announcement. Michael is relieved. Austin is cagey. Sonny shares shocking information with Ava. Sasha tries to mend a broken bond.

45. Thursday November 9 2023

November 9th, 202336 min

Olivia jumps to action. Lois cautions Brook Lynn. Spencer feels betrayed. Dante briefs Anna and Sonny. Valentin treads carefully.

46. Friday November 10 2023

November 10th, 202336 min

Alexis and Blaze get acquainted. Trina doesn't mince words. Elizabeth vents to Laura. Anna is blindsided. Olivia has reason to celebrate.

47. Monday November 13 2023

November 13th, 202336 min

Brook Lynn and Lois strategize. Nina unleashes her fury. Anna briefs Jordan and Dante. Gregory opens up to Chase. Michael is caught off-guard.

48. Tuesday November 14 2023

November 14th, 202336 min

Ava counsels Trina. Dante interrogates Austin. Carly seeks out Sonny. Spencer makes a plea to Esme. Finn gets bad news.

49. Wednesday November 15 2023

November 15th, 202336 min

TJ is left reeling. Marshall and Curtis connect. Cyrus issues a warning. Diane vents to Alexis. Maxie makes a surprise announcement.

50. Thursday November 16 2023

November 16th, 202336 min

Dex cautions Josslyn. Ava lashes out. Cody comes clean. Molly is blindsided. Anna catches up with Sonny.

51. Friday November 17 2023

November 17th, 202336 min

Laura makes an offer. Robert seeks Felicia's help. Josslyn shares some hard truths with Spencer. Sonny wants answers from Nina. Willow encourages Carly.

52. Monday November 20 2023

November 20th, 202336 min

53. Tuesday November 21 023

November 21st, 202336 min

Sonny confronts Cyrus; Nina tries to get the truth from Charlotte; Anna is heartbroken; Curtis tells Jordan about his revelation; Drew pays Carly a surprise visit.

54. Wednesday November 22 2023

November 22nd, 202336 min

Anna and Valentin have a confrontation; Sonny has an offer for Sasha; Jordan asks for Laura's help; Dante discovers a lead in Anna's case; Alexis is horrified.

55. Thursday November 23 2023

November 23rd, 202336 min

Lois's mother arrives at the Quartermaines to help with the turkey; Robert has a surprise for Anna; Valentin gently confronts Charlotte; Kristina invites Blaze to Alexis's for Thanksgiving; Sasha and Cody get asked if they are dating.

56. Monday November 27 2023

November 27th, 202336 min

Thanksgiving continues in Port Charles, but Sonny senses something off between Anna and Nina. Meanwhile, Marshall worries about Curtis, Gloria shares with Lois that she is in some trouble, and Stella and Portia make a realization.

57. Tuesday November 28 2023

November 28th, 202336 min

Dante gets some disturbing news. Alexis has a meeting with Laura. Sam is concerned about Drew's recent behavior. Elizabeth tries to reassure Finn. Molly and TJ disagree.

58. Wednesday November 29 2023

November 29th, 202336 min

Sonny confronts Ava. Martin helps Finn with his legal issues. Maxie opens up to Felicia. Dante and Chase collaborate on an investigation. Gloria gets some help from her family.

59. Thursday November 30 2023

November 30th, 202336 min

Dante has questions for Ava. Dex relays a message to Sonny. Portia gives TJ some advice. Sonny makes plans for Christmas Eve. James enlists Cody's help.

60. Friday December 1 2023

December 1st, 202336 min

Carly has an interesting encounter at Kelly's. Sonny gets a proposition. Ava makes a confession to Nina. Brook Lynn panics from family pressure. Kristina consoles Molly.

61. Monday December 4 2023

December 4th, 202336 min

Brook Lynn is skeptical, Drew informs Carly and Josslyn about his plans, and Sonny and Nina have a disagreement. Meanwhile, Molly presents TJ with an idea, and Ned confides in Lois.

62. Tuesday December 5 2023

December 5th, 202336 min

Ava confronts Cyrus, Laura offers Esme reassurance, and Curtis has questions for Sonny. Meanwhile, Blaze opens up to Kristina, and Dante talks to Sam about his discovery.

63. Wednesday December 6 2023

December 6th, 202336 min

Elizabeth and Jake open up to each other. Alexis gives legal help to Finn and Martin. Josslyn presses Adam about his family. Spencer and Esme have a tense moment. Dante and Jordan reveal something to Laura.

64. Thursday December 7 2023

December 7th, 202336 min

Dante provides proof to Anna, Carly is intrigued by a customer, and Scott and Lucy reminisce. Meanwhile, Portia informs Curtis about an experimental procedure, and Gregory, Alexis and Violet have an awkward encounter.

65. Friday December 8 2023

December 8th, 202336 min

Anna updates Valentin, Molly and TJ make an offer, and Brook Lynn and Chase have an announcement. Meanwhile, Lois and Oliva get some help from Cody, and Tracy remembers her past.

66. Monday December 11 2023

December 11th, 202336 min

Dex opens up to Josslyn about his past, Violet has some questions for Chase, and Curtis tells Marshall about a possible treatment. Meanwhile, Oliva and Lois are suspicious, and Nina makes an admission to Sonny.

67. Tuesday December 12 2023

December 12th, 202336 min

Tracy and Ned reunite, Brook Lynn makes a decision, and Scott reaches out to Obrecht. Meanwhile, Nina ponders a proposition, and Dante finds documents that could help with Anna's case.

68. Wednesday December 13 2023

December 13th, 202336 min

Josslyn and Trina make a discovery about Adam, Sonny makes a generous donation, and Alexis is given pause. Meanwhile, Ava tells Nina the truth, and Carly and Donna have a chance run-in.

69. Thursday December 14 2023

December 14th, 202336 min

Diane and Robert make a decision about their relationship, Kristina reveals her plans to Sonny, and Carly presses Ava. Meanwhile, TJ has reservations, and Alexis confides in Gregory.

70. Friday December 15 2023

December 15th, 202336 min

Jordan discloses something to Alexis, Blaze is surprised, and Brook Lynn and Lucy have a disagreement. Meanwhile, Sasha gives Cody a gift, and Laura meets with Sonny.

71. Monday December 18 2023

December 18th, 202336 min

Kristina's feelings for Blaze grow. Molly and TJ receive bad news. Trina stands up to Esme. Dante and Anna make a discovery. Brook Lynn and Chase get into the holiday spirit.

72. Tuesday December 19 2023

December 19th, 202336 min

Anna and Dante are in a dangerous situation. Sonny shuts down Cyrus. Carly is in trouble. Nina asks Michael for help. Lucy shares her frustrations with Kevin.

73. Wednesday December 20 2023

December 20th, 202336 min

Stella and Marshall grow closer. Aiden and Elizabeth have a heart to heart. Dex grows concerned about Adam's behavior. Anna and Valentin come to a realization. Laura and Kevin fret about Charlotte.

74. Thursday December 21 2023

December 21st, 202336 min

Lois and Tracy go head to head. Michael attempts to placate Ned. Anna turns to Kevin for help. Spinelli puts Cody on notice. Dante updates Sonny on the shooter.

75. Friday December 22 2023

December 22nd, 202336 min

Friends and family gather at the hospital for the reading of The Night Before Christmas. Kristina makes a case to Molly and TJ. Jordan puts Cyrus on notice. Esme has a holiday gesture for Spencer. Carly is surprised.

76. Tuesday December 26 2023

December 26th, 202336 min

Nina seeks absolution. Spencer and Trina enjoy Christmas Eve together. Ava is alerted. Sonny and Laura look for answers. Esme almost gets caught.

77. Wednesday December 27 2023

December 27th, 202336 min

Alexis goes over the legalities with Kristina and Molly. Meanwhile, Finn and Chase are worried about Gregory, Sasha warns Cody, and Felicia asks Robert for help.

78. Thursday December 28 2023

December 28th, 202336 min

Lucy and Scott execute a plan, Sonny and Alexis have misgivings, and Felicia investigates. Meanwhile, Liz and Finn work on his defense, and Olivia makes a slip of the tongue.

79. Friday December 29 2023

December 29th, 202336 min

Spencer and Trina discuss their future together, Cyrus makes a confession to Nina, and Esme visits Heather in prison. Meanwhile, on New Year's Eve, Lois learns shocking information, and Drew returns home early.

80. Tuesday January 2 2024

January 2nd, 202436 min

Carly receives life-altering news, Sonny confronts Michael, and Olivia gets angry with Lois. Meanwhile, Sam grapples with how to co-parent with Drew, and Willow comes to Nina for help.

81. Wednesday January 3 2024

January 3rd, 202436 min

Michael confesses to Sonny, Drew supports Carly in her time of need, and Tracy starts to put the pieces together. Meanwhile, Willow suspects Michael's ulterior motives, and Ava has a surprised visitor.

82. Thursday January 4 2024

January 4th, 202436 min

Carly lashes out, Sonny encounters Cyrus at the church, and Joss and Dex find a drunk Adam. Meanwhile, Curtis has a romantic surprise for Portia, and Laura makes a realization about Esme.

83. Friday January 5 2024

January 5th, 202436 min

Felicia and Anna reminisce, Cody comforts Maxie, and Sasha encourages Nina to have faith. Meanwhile, Sam and Drew have an argument, and Dante is in a predicament.

84. Monday January 8 2024

January 8th, 202436 min

Carly and Elizabeth bond over Bobbie memories. Maxie and Felicia support each other over Bobbie's death. Josslyn is furious with Michael. Tracy tells Brook Lynn about Scott and Lucy's scheme. Lucy and Scott share a charged moment.

85. Tuesday January 9 2024

January 9th, 202436 min

Alexis and Gregory discuss their kiss. Marshall and Stella clash. Trina confides in Stella. Sonny seeks out Carly. Laura takes Esme to the PCPD.

86. Wednesday January 10 2024

January 10th, 202436 min

The town of Port Charles mourns the loss of their beloved friend, Bobbie Spencer. Felicia and Carly come together to honor Bobbie. Carly is forced to reckon with her family's past and close her mother's unfinished business.

87. Thursday January 11 2024

January 11th, 202436 min

Carly and Felicia travel to Amsterdam to tend to the business Bobbie left. Maxie and a reporter sit down with the people of Port Charles to share their memories of Bobbie. Carly dedicates a lovely tribute to her mother.

88. Friday January 12 2024

January 12th, 202436 min

Nikolas shares a moment with Ava. Spencer receives a surprise visitor. Curtis encourages Trina. Dex shows a brave side. Diane and Robert have a disagreement.

89. Monday January 15 2024

January 15th, 202436 min

90. Tuesday January 16 2024

January 16th, 202436 min

91. Wednesday January 17 2024

January 17th, 202436 min

92. Thursday January 18 2024

January 18th, 202436 min

93. Friday January 19 2024

January 19th, 202436 min

Carly and Sam discuss the recent changes in Drew. Drew makes a big business decision. Dex comforts Joss. Spencer confesses to Laura. Esme is desperate.

94. Monday January 22 2024

January 22nd, 202436 min

Laura consults with Dante about legal avenues regarding Ace. Esme visits Heather. Tracy and Scott engage in a battle of wits. Nina reels from Drew's decision. Brook Lynn and Chase have a question for Gregory.

95. Tuesday January 23 2024

January 23rd, 202436 min

Tracy plays along with Scott. Lucy tries to reassure Martin. Finn is anxious about his upcoming trial. Curtis awaits the results of his examination. Anna is worried about Jordan.

96. Wednesday January 24 2024

January 24th, 202436 min

Curtis throws a bon voyage party for Trina and Spencer. Heather opens up to Laura. Kevin appears to get through to Esme. Kristina learns the result of her pregnancy test. Spinelli accuses Cody of being interested in Maxie.

97. Thursday January 25 2024

January 25th, 202436 min

Laura, Dante and Chase make an alarming discovery. Sonny advises Alexis. Martin thinks he has positive evidence that can be used in court. Jordan enlists Brick's help. Robert and Diane find themselves at an impasse over Sonny.

98. Friday January 26 2024

January 26th, 202436 min

Spencer and Trina arrive in Paris. Finn takes the stand at his trial. Laura voices her regrets. Ava and Sonny make plans. Valentin has a proposition for Nina.

99. Monday January 29 2024

January 29th, 202436 min

Spencer and Trina enjoy a romantic dinner in Paris; Dante and Chase look for Esme; Alexis has news for Laura; Curtis has his first PT session; Finn wrestles with an idea regarding his case.

100. Tuesday January 30 2024

January 30th, 202436 min

Diane's announcement stuns the courtroom; Curtis and Portia make an urgent decision; Spencer makes a discovery; Jordan and Anna question Brennan; Dex alerts Sonny and Ava about a threat.

101. Wednesday January 31 2024

January 31st, 202436 min

Lois confronts Olivia; Carly reassures her new staff; Tracy has reservations; Ava is frightened; Spencer and Trina find themselves in a precarious situation.

102. Thursday February 1 2024

February 1st, 202436 min

Laura holds out hope; Josslyn, Carly and Felicia try to help Adam; Drew and Michael face the end of their partnership; Lois shares her ideas for Brook Lynn and Chase's wedding; Tracy rises to the occasion.

103. Friday February 2 2024

February 2nd, 202436 min

Josslyn is stunned; Laura and Sonny bond; Carly meets a new patron; Anna and Jordan set up a meeting; a surprise guest appears at Laura's.

104. Monday February 5 2024

February 5th, 202436 min

Laura intervenes. Alexis feels guilty. Sonny confides in Dante. Scott consoles Lucy.

105. Tuesday February 6 2024

February 6th, 202436 min

Brick expresses his doubts to Sonny. Tracy makes a confession. Martin is surprised.

106. Wednesday February 7 2024

February 7th, 202436 min

Spencer’s family and friends say goodbye. A surprise mourner appears for Esme. Dante is conflicted.

107. Thursday February 8 2024

February 8th, 202436 min

Chase has concerns. Carly gets an assist from Brook Lynn. Nina has an ask for Martin.

108. Friday February 9 2024

February 9th, 202436 min

Sonny learns about a recent string of mob hits. Carly and Drew discuss his vendetta against Nina.

109. Monday February 12 2024

February 12th, 202436 min

Laura and Kevin make an important decision. Gregory confides in Tracy. Carly and Drew discover Nina's plans. Sonny is suspicious of Dex. Trina struggles with her grief.

110. Tuesday February 13 2024

February 13th, 202436 min

Dex is in a fraught situation. Carly makes a realization. Ava seeks out a friend.

111. Wednesday February 14 2024

February 14th, 202436 min

Sonny is furious. Maxie confides in Sasha. Curtis and Portia celebrate their anniversary.

112. Thursday February 15 2024

February 15th, 202436 min

113. Friday February 16 2024

February 16th, 202436 min

Sonny issues a warning. Anna, Dante and Jordan strategize. Cyrus tells Laura how he plans to protect Nikolas. Alexis reassures Sam. Ava tries to impart wisdom to Josslyn.

114. Monday February 19 2024

February 19th, 202436 min

Josslyn is determined. Valentin makes an announcement. Tracy feels slighted. Curtis comforts Trina. Stella helps Marshall get answers.

115. Tuesday February 20 2024

February 20th, 202436 min

Anna makes a proposal to Cyrus. Jordan is surprised. Portia is rocked by Curtis's admission. Sonny rebuffs Dante. Valentin counsels Nina.

116. Wednesday February 21 2024

February 21st, 202436 min

Ava and Sonny confront their past. Nina makes a revelation to Carly and Drew. Trina encourages Josslyn. Felicia helps Lucy. Spinelli confides in Cody.

117. Thursday February 22 2024

February 22nd, 202436 min

Sonny and Selina put their heads together. Maxie and Spinelli share a close moment. Carly and Drew are at odds. John thwarts Anna and Dante. Sasha commends Cody.

118. Friday February 23 2024

February 23rd, 202436 min

Sam opens up to Elizabeth. Gregory presses Tracy. Sonny makes a big decision. Kristina and Blaze share a romantic evening. TJ is concerned.

119. Monday February 26 2024

February 26th, 202436 min

Sonny has a job for Spinelli. Blaze's mother, Natalia, surprises her with an early visit. Nina seeks Ava's help. Carly is wary of John. Curtis encourages Drew.

120. Tuesday February 27 2024

February 27th, 202436 min

Nina tries to defend her actions to Sonny. Drew opens up to Carly. Blaze has a defining moment with her mother. Maxie and Spinelli get closer.

121. Wednesday February 28 2024

February 28th, 202436 min

Tracy, Lois, and Maxie help Brook Lynn find a wedding dress. Chase needs to clear something up. Carly tells Sonny about her run-in. Joss tries to find Dex. John runs into Scott.

122. Thursday February 29 2024

February 29th, 202436 min

Dante tries to play peacemaker. Sonny confronts John. Brook Lynn reassures Chase. Lois has it out with Tracy. Finn and Elizabeth discuss their future.

123. Friday March 1 2024

March 1st, 202436 min

Felicia makes a confession. Dante discovers a connection. Anna and John hash out their differences. Sonny and Spinelli loop Ava into their plan. Blaze and Kristina make a revelation.

124. Monday March 4 2024

March 4th, 202436 min

Jason returns to Port Charles. Selina and Sonny's negotiation is interrupted. Laura confronts Cyrus.

125. Tuesday March 5 2024

March 5th, 202436 min

Josslyn and Dex are in a frantic situation; Sonny hits a sore spot with John; Anna learns some tragic news; Marshall tells Curtis about his misdiagnosis; Laura acts fast in a crisis.

126. Wednesday March 6 2024

March 6th, 202436 min

Anna questions Josslyn and Dex; Olivia and Sonny reconnect; Alexis is apprehensive; Cody and Sasha each make a confession; Spinelli and Ava are in for a shock.

127. Thursday March 7 2024

March 7th, 202436 min

Sonny and Ava share a loaded moment; Drew and Carly have their hands full; Maxie is stunned; Laura offers comfort; Brook Lynn opens up to Jordan.

128. Friday March 8 2024

March 8th, 202436 min

Carly is taken aback; Nina corners Ava; Sonny gets an update on John's investigation; Michael tries to convince Dex to stay; Alexis vents to Diane.

129. Monday March 11 2024

March 11th, 202436 min

Carly reveals the news about Jason to Sonny; John and Anna continue their pursuit; Maxie and Spinelli try to resolve their issues; Sasha offers her support to Cody.

130. Tuesday March 12 2024

March 12th, 202436 min

Drew confronts Carly; Jason asks for a favor; Sam is emotional; Finn assesses Heather; Natalia surprises Blaze.

131. Wednesday March 13 2024

March 13th, 202436 min

Sonny fears Jason has changed; Michael is in shock; Selina shares information with Curtis; Drew blows off some steam; Jordan has doubts about her career.

132. Thursday March 14 2024

March 14th, 202436 min

Jason explains where he has been; Lois checks in on Sonny; John asks Carly for help; Sam has trouble hiding her suspicions; Molly speaks to Anna about potential charges.

133. Friday March 15 2024

March 15th, 202436 min

Heather gets medical information; Diane has a proposal for Alexis; Kevin reveals something to Marshall about his diagnosis; Josslyn tries to stop Dex from leaving; Nina humiliates Gregory.

134. Monday March 18 2024

March 18th, 202436 min

Dex makes a confession to Josslyn. Tracy shares a moment with Sonny. Diane offers encouragement to Alexis. Kevin explains what might have led to Marshall's misdiagnosis. Stella has an unlikely encounter.

135. Tuesday March 19 2024

March 19th, 202436 min

Josslyn opens up to Carly. Dex confides in Anna. Sonny offers Natalia some valuable insights. Jason gets a visitor. Brook Lynn lays into John.

136. Wednesday March 20 2024

March 20th, 202436 min

Tracy sees a new side of Cody. Alexis informs Molly about her plans. Natalia has a revelation. Anna makes an admission to John over drinks.

137. Thursday March 21 2024

March 21st, 202436 min

Drew has a proposition for Nina. A photo shoot at Deception goes wrong. Laura and Heather find some common ground. Willow is worried by her actions.

138. Friday March 22 2024

March 22nd, 202436 min

Jason reaches out to Diane for help. Maxie calls Lucy out. Cody and Olivia comfort each other. Sasha makes a huge decision. Chase and Brook Lynn are stunned.

139. Monday March 25 2024

March 25th, 202436 min

Jason tells his story. Elizabeth is overcome with emotion. Stella comforts Trina. Michael is cautious. Jake is furious.

140. Tuesday March 26 2024

March 26th, 202436 min

Anna is stunned. Carly is determined to get to Jason. Ava comforts Sonny. Curtis is suspicious. Gregory's symptoms become more pronounced.

141. Wednesday March 27 2024

March 27th, 202436 min

Sam and Jason come face to face. Danny and Jake argue. Anna offers a surprising proposal to Dex. Trina makes a heartbreaking confession. Brook Lynn shares a message.

142. Thursday March 28 2024

March 28th, 202436 min

Tempers fly at Jason's arraignment. Carly and Alexis are surprised. Sonny has his doubts. Sam gets some hope. Nina is insistent.

143. Friday March 29 2024

March 29th, 202436 min

Jason meets with Sonny. Ava and Sonny have a close moment. Anna learns some important information. Valentin makes arrangements. Olivia, Danny, and Rocco rush to Dante's side.

144. Monday April 1 2024

April 1st, 202436 min

Jason visits Elizabeth and Jake. Dante confirms whether or not Jason shot him. Anna put Sonny on notice. Diane helps Alexis with her appeal. Natalia takes over Blaze's deception contract.

145. Tuesday April 2 2024

April 2nd, 202436 min

Drew checks in on Nina at work. John has a new plan to take down Pikeman. Jason reveals something to Anna. Carly and Michael make confessions. Dex gets interviewed about joining the PCPD.

146. Wednesday April 3 2024

April 3rd, 202436 min

Chase and Brook Lynn ask Dante for a favor. Finn opens up to Elizabeth about his dad. Sasha and Cody admit their feelings. Blaze fills Kristina in on her new job. Tracy crosses with Stella.

147. Thursday April 4 2024

April 4th, 202436 min

Terry offers Tracy some advice. Curtis comforts Trina. Josslyn is in shock. Kevin and Laura check in on Heather. Sasha shows off her culinary skills.

148. Friday April 5 2024

April 5th, 202436 min

Drew chews out John. Lois helps Brook Lynn with a wedding dress crisis. Sonny and Natalia get better acquainted. Kristina and Joss argue. Anna questions Brennan about Pikeman. Sam is worried about Danny.

149. Tuesday April 9 2024

April 9th, 202436 min

Nina and Drew get into a heated argument. Carly finds John in trouble. Sonny is furious with Jason. Michael and Willow discuss her career. Kristina is disturbed by Ava's behavior.

150. Wednesday April 10 2024

April 10th, 202436 min

Sonny and Jason have a tense meeting. Drew and Nina come to a surprising agreement. Carly begins to see a different side to John. Curtis achieves another milestone. Ava searches for something in Sonny's house.

151. Thursday April 11 2024

April 11th, 202436 min

Anna asks Valentin for help. Alexis receives news about her appeal. Curtis suggests a business proposition to Drew. Chase has a surprise for Brook Lynn. Nina gets the wrong idea.

152. Friday April 12 2024

April 12th, 202436 min

Jason wants to give something to Carly. Tracy has a heart-to-heart with Brook Lynn. Sasha finds joy in working in the stables with Cody. Gregory encourages Alexis.

153. Monday April 15 2024

April 15th, 202436 min

Carly updates Jason. Tracy receives welcome news. Sonny meets with Drew. John shares his suspicions with Anna. Ava continues to snow Nina.

154. Tuesday April 16 2024

April 16th, 202436 min

Laura and Anna come to a mutual realization. Trina questions Josslyn and Dex about their relationship. Alexis and Finn support each other. Brook Lynn and Chase have an honest discussion about money. Elizabeth opens up to Gregory.

155. Wednesday April 17 2024

April 17th, 202436 min

Trina questions Josslyn and Dex about their relationship. TJ examines Gregory, who provides a sympathetic ear for the expecting father. Brick pays Jordan a visit as she works a late night.

156. Thursday April 18 2024

April 18th, 202436 min

Carly and John get closer. Sonny learns that Dex is becoming a cop. Cyrus goes on-the-record to Anna. Lois asks Sonny if he will attend the wedding. Dex takes another step towards his new career. Ava keeps something from Sonny.

157. Friday April 19 2024

April 19th, 202436 min

Jason gives Carly a gift. Nina spars with Drew. Lois and Brook Lynn have a heartfelt talk. Josslyn has a plea for Anna.

158. Monday April 22 2024

April 22nd, 202436 min

Sonny and Carly have it out. Nina makes a discovery. Sam tells Jason to stay away from Danny. Drew and Willow reconnect. Lois impresses Maxie with her Deception knowledge.

159. Tuesday April 23 2024

April 23rd, 202436 min

Brooklyn's bridal shower is in full swing. Tracy lets her guard down. Chase also gets the bachelor party treatment at the hatchet range. A surprise guest shows up at Chase's party. Joss and Kristina go toe-to-toe over Sonny.

160. Wednesday April 24 2024

April 24th, 202436 min

Chase and Finn find Gregory in a medical situation. Sam is worried about Danny. Josslyn opens up to Jason. Drew and Jordan enjoy each other's company. Dex has some doubts about joining the PCPD.

161. Thursday April 25 2024

April 25th, 202436 min

Jason confronts Sonny. TJ is concerned about Kristina's actions. Drew and Carly share a bittersweet moment. Kristina is worried about Sonny. Trina helps Laura with Ace.

162. Friday April 26 2024

April 26th, 202436 min

Laura tells Sonny she cannot forgive him. Nina shares her concerns with Carly. Finn and Gregory have a disagreement. Molly asks Alexis for help. Sasha receives a surprising proposition.

163. Monday April 29 2024

April 29th, 202436 min

Ava confides in Nikolas. Anna asks Jason to help her investigate Valentin. Drew makes Willow an offer. John confronts Jason. Nina finds herself in a tempting situation.

164. Tuesday April 30 2024

April 30th, 202436 min

Jason questions Dex. Natalia shares her issues with Maxie. Sasha seeks comfort with Cody. Drew asks Nina for a favor. Valentin has a proposition for Anna.

165. Wednesday May 1 2024

May 1st, 202436 min

Nina is hopeful. Alexis receives a surprise visit from Natalia. TJ has growing doubts about Kristina. Maxie develops a plan. Elizabeth is concerned about Aiden.

166. Thursday May 2 2024

May 2nd, 202436 min

Willow questions her current career. Cody and Sasha have a heart-to-heart about their relationship. Gregory offers Tracy some advice. Lois helps coach Brook Lynn.

167. Friday May 3 2024

May 3rd, 202436 min

Sonny warns Dante about Dex. Carly has a realization about Sonny. Drew pitches a business project. Josslyn confides in Trina.

168. Monday May 6 2024

May 6th, 202436 min

Sonny and Natalia comfort each other. Alexis tries to give Kristina some perspective. Dante has a realization. Ava is frustrated.

169. Tuesday May 7 2024

May 7th, 202436 min

Carly eavesdrops on John. Laura visits Heather at Pentonville. Felica warns Anna about Valentin. Sonny meets with Jordan. Willow accepts Drew's offer.

170. Wednesday May 8 2024

May 8th, 202436 min

Jason tells Anna what the FBI has on him. Carly tries to get information from Pikeman. Dante breaks some news to Sam. Lois and John catch up. Brooklyn meets up with Chase before the celebrations begin.

171. Thursday May 9 2024

May 9th, 202436 min

Finn and Gregory have a disagreement over his care. Ava feels slighted by Sonny. Natalia tries to find a way to attend the wedding. Jason tells Sam he is working with the FBI. Jordan cautions Laura.

172. Friday May 10 2024

May 10th, 202436 min

John confronts Jason about Carly. Ava investigates Sonny's medication. Sonny has a proposition for Natalia. Anna checks in with Dex about the PCPD. Josslyn and Dex share a flirty competition.

173. Monday May 13 2024

May 13th, 202436 min

Anna warns Carly. Nina and Willow have a warm moment. Jordan has some unsettling news. Gregory encourages Tracy to attend the rehearsal dinner. Michael and Sasha reconnect.

174. Tuesday May 14 2024

May 14th, 202436 min

Anna goes on a date with Valentin. Gregory and Alexis give each other good advice. Danny has a request for Jason. Drew receives a business proposition. Nina draws a new boundary with Ava.

175. Wednesday May 15 2024

May 15th, 202436 min

Tracy gives Brook Lynn something that used to be Lila's. Jason surprises everyone. Kristina and Blaze are taken aback. Josslyn meets Gio, Brook Lynn's cousin and a talented violinist.

176. Thursday May 16 2024

May 16th, 202436 min

Gregory struggles a bit during the ceremony. Friends and family gather at the metro court, ready to celebrate the happy couple.

177. Friday May 17 2024

May 17th, 202436 min

Brook Lynn and Chase's wedding festivities continue. Sam ropes Spinelli into a scheme to help Jason. Finn grapples with his concern for Gregory. Kristina witnesses another side of her father.

178. Monday May 20 2024

May 20th, 202436 min

Sonny is horrified. Blaze consoles Kristina. Jason summons Carly. Gregory apologizes to Finn. Anna confronts Brennan.

179. Tuesday May 21 2024

May 21st, 202436 min

Alexis and Diane prepare to present their case. Kristina pleads with Michael. Dex has a big decision to make. Finn faces a difficult task. Sonny seeks Dante's help.

180. Wednesday May 22 2024

May 22nd, 202436 min

Elizabeth is alarmed. Alexis is thrown for a loop. Dante issues a warning to Sonny. Ava gets key intel. Kristina makes an offer.

181. Thursday May 23 2024

May 23rd, 202436 min

Carly stonewalls Anna. Alexis has her day in court. Ava offers sympathy to Sonny. Gio makes a move. Kristina shares her fears.

182. Friday May 24 2024

May 24th, 202436 min

Molly and TJ go on a date. Elizabeth can't shake her concern. Portia is conflicted. Cody and Stella support Tracy.

183. Tuesday May 28 2024

May 28th, 202436 min

Sam details her plan to help Jason. Maxie encourages Spinelli. Alexis gets some answers. Jason and Anna exchange info. Carly visits Brennan.

184. Wednesday May 29 2024

May 29th, 202436 min

Elizabeth has misgivings. Ava confronts Nina. Josslyn and Trina pursue a move. Brook Lynn affirms her devotion to Chase. Alexis gets the last word.

185. Thursday May 30 2024

May 30th, 202436 min

Sonny seeks out Dex. Dante and Kristina have a heart-to-heart. Maxie issues an invitation. Molly is frustrated. Michael tells Drew how he feels.

186. Friday May 31 2024

May 31st, 202436 min

Curtis and Portia take on a new mission. Laura is dismayed. Jason's decision angers Sonny. Chase offers reassurance. John grows suspicious.

187. Monday June 3 2024

June 3rd, 202436 min

Anna arrives at the scene of a crime. Sonny gets an earful from Carly. Valentin has a clandestine meeting. Ava cozies up to Natalia. Kristina feels betrayed.

188. Tuesday June 4 2024

June 4th, 202436 min

Anna makes a horrifying realization. Drew takes Carly by surprise. John threatens to make an arrest. Finn rebuffs Elizabeth. Chase leans on Brook Lynn.

189. Wednesday June 5 2024

June 5th, 202436 min

Gregory's loved ones say their final goodbyes. Kristina and Molly clash. Blaze struggles in a recording session.

190. Thursday June 6 2024

June 6th, 202436 min

Trina has a jarring encounter. Gio starts a new job. Concerns for Finn deepen. Kristina tries to mend fences. Maxie and Spinelli enjoy some family time.

191. Friday June 7 2024

June 7th, 202436 min

Jake is shocked by what he sees. Elizabeth confides in Stella. Brook Lynn and Chase strategize. Nina gets a welcome surprise. Dex issues an invitation.

192. Monday June 10 2024

June 10th, 202436 min

Elizabeth is left reeling. Willow opens up to Michael. Nina has a change of heart. Drew shares his news with Curtis. Tracy offers wise counsel.

193. Tuesday June 11 2024

June 11th, 202436 min

Chase and Brook Lynn are dismayed. Elizabeth thanks Jake. Anna visits Brennan. Sam pulls a fast one.

194. Wednesday June 12 2024

June 12th, 202436 min

Sonny bears gifts for Kristina. Alexis advises Laura. TJ is outraged. Sasha challenges Cody. Carly's hopes are dashed.

195. Thursday June 13 2024

June 13th, 202436 min

Curtis wants answers. Trina confronts Laura. Alexis and Diane wonder what the future holds for Heather. Stella confides in Tracy. Kristina and Blaze ponder their options.

196. Friday June 14 2024

June 14th, 202436 min

Kristina seeks Alexis's advice. Elizabeth and Chase voice their concerns. Finn is determined. Gio pitches an idea.

197. Monday June 17 2024

June 17th, 202436 min

Carly is suspicious. Drew makes an announcement. Nina gets a thrilling invitation. Alexis confronts Finn. Cody gets food for thought.

198. Tuesday June 18 2024

June 18th, 202436 min

Anna accepts an invitation. John throws Jason for a loop. Cody and Sasha get closer. Scott confers with Lucy. Sam makes a request of Carly.

199. Wednesday June 19 2024

June 19th, 202436 min

Mac Scorpio returns. Cody confides in Tracy. Stella encourages Chase. Alexis gets big news. Natalia and Sonny bond. Brook Lynn ponders her options.

200. Thursday June 20 2024

June 20th, 202436 min

Carly warns Jason. Sam is livid. Finn lashes out. Nina confides in Maxie. Gio learns more about Trina.

201. Friday June 21 2024

June 21st, 202436 min

Jason faces a big decision. Carly makes a shocking realization. Maxie and Spinelli are concerned. Sam is on the warpath. Tracy fields an emergency.

202. Monday June 24 2024

June 24th, 202436 min

Tracy issues an ultimatum. Chase and Brook Lynn seek legal advice. Carly plots a bold move. Molly and TJ have a heart-to-heart. Blaze and Kristina have dinner with Sonny and Natalia where Ava gets an earful.

203. Tuesday June 25 2024

June 25th, 202436 min

Jason and Elizabeth discuss their son. Carly opens up to Brennan. Anna makes a discovery. Valentin makes a proposal. Finn suffers a setback.

204. Wednesday June 26 2024

June 26th, 202436 min

Trina delivers bad news. Ava is on the warpath. Mac visits Cody. Alexis makes a revelation. Gio is alarmed.

205. Thursday June 27 2024

June 27th, 202436 min

Chase supports Finn. Jason and Danny bond. Dante voices his concerns to Sam. Dex surprises Josslyn.

206. Friday June 28 2024

June 28th, 202436 min

Carly and Jason clash. Sonny and Natalia get closer. Ava seeks out Laura. Brook Lynn and Chase make a big decision. Blaze has some tough questions for Kristina.

207. Monday July 1 2024

July 1st, 202436 min

Ava plays dirty. Josslyn comforts Trina. Nina does some eavesdropping. Alexis makes a big move. Jordan shares intel with Drew.

208. Tuesday July 2 2024

July 2nd, 202436 min

Ava tries to cover her tracks. Blaze is crushed. Sonny meets with Diane. Kristina and Alexis have a heart-to-heart. Natalia is in the hot seat.

209. Wednesday July 3 2024

July 3rd, 202436 min

Alexis is confrontational. Josslyn gets upsetting news. Natalia confides in Sonny. Sasha provides perspective. Maxie steps up for a friend.

210. Friday July 5 2024

July 5th, 202436 min

Dante tries to talk Sonny down. Kristina unleashes her anger. Maxie and Brook Lynn strategize. Trina and Josslyn move into their new home. Nina updates Drew.

211. Monday July 8 2024

July 8th, 202436 min

Portia confronts Laura. Nina and Sasha have a heart-to-heart. Cody makes a confession. Sam is frustrated with Drew. Willow makes an impulsive move.

212. Tuesday July 9 2024

July 9th, 202436 min

Trina is suspicious. Curtis defends himself to Portia. Sasha witnesses something scandalous. Lois shares a secret with Olivia. Maxie finds a new mission.

213. Wednesday July 10 2024

July 10th, 202436 min

Sonny questions Jason. Cody and Willow find common ground. Ava makes a dangerous move. Michael lets something slip to Drew. John does some eavesdropping.

214. Thursday July 11 2024

July 11th, 202436 min

Kristina is eager to help Blaze. Felicia visits Cody. Portia reveals her plan to Jordan. Heather's request surprises Laura.

215. Friday July 12 2024

July 12th, 202436 min

Laura seeks Trina's perspective. Sasha confides in Cody. Anna talks her plan through with Jason. Elizabeth shares happy news about Jake. Curtis and Portia hash things out.

216. Monday July 15 2024

July 15th, 202436 min

Willow confides in Nina. Drew is in the hot seat. Jason makes Jake an offer. Brennan receives a mysterious visit. Anna hits paydirt.

217. Tuesday July 16 2024

July 16th, 202436 min

Sonny pays a visit to Nina. Ava tries to sway John. Lois presents Gio with an opportunity. Anna must make a tough decision. Willow is taken aback.

218. Wednesday July 17 2024

July 17th, 202436 min

Natalia voices her remorse. Nina shares her insight with Maxie. Gio opens up to Josslyn. Jason and John have words. Anna is tempted.

219. Thursday July 18 2024

July 18th, 202436 min

Carly and Jason make a trip to the footbridge. Cody opens up to Tracy. Chase and Dex bond. Nina issues an apology. Natalia and Sonny pitch an idea to Brook Lynn.

220. Friday July 19 2024

July 19th, 202436 min

Trina wrestles with her grief. Sasha encourages Cody. Laura and Dante have an emotional encounter. Tracy is charmed by Gio. Carly and Jason debate their next move.

221. Monday July 22 2024

July 22nd, 202436 min

Laura seeks out Anna. Jason's plans go awry. Ava and Scott strategize. Sonny makes a request of Michael. Diane issues a warning.

222. Tuesday July 23 2024

July 23rd, 202436 min

Jason updates Anna. John puts pressure on Ava. Ned supports Tracy. Carly meets with Sonny. Kristina and Michael discuss family matters.

223. Wednesday July 24 2024

July 24th, 202436 min

Willow and Nina brainstorm. Kristina and Blaze meet the press. Anna faces off with John. Carly weighs her options. Jason reaches out to Danny.

224. Thursday July 25 2024

July 25th, 202436 min

John makes a bold move. Anna pursues a hunch. Willow wrestles with her guilt. TJ and Molly make a big decision.

225. Friday July 26 2024

July 26th, 202436 min

Jason receives a proposition. Nina drives a hard bargain. Diane seeks out Anna. Sonny is enraged.

226. Monday July 29 2024

July 29th, 202436 min

Dante pleads wtih Sonny. Carly receives an offer. Jason visits the PCPD. TJ is flummoxed. Alexis addresses an imporant matter with Kristina.

227. Tuesday July 30 2024

July 30th, 202436 min

Carly has her day in court. Things get heated between Sonny and John. Anna makes a shocking discovery. Nina is grateful to Willow. Alexis counsels Molly.

228. Wednesday July 31 2024

July 31st, 202436 min

Sonny won't listen to reason. Anna shares a theory with Jason. Ava gets bad news. Kristina and Molly hash things out. John makes an offer.

229. Thursday August 1 2024

August 1st, 202436 min

Alexis is put on the spot. Molly confides in Sam. Brook Lynn makes a pitch to Blaze. Sonny lashes out. Kristina is on the warpath. Trina gets an eyeful.

230. Friday August 2 2024

August 2nd, 202436 min

Josslyn leaps to action. Dante makes an arrest. TJ gets alarming news. Sonny alienates a friend. A medical crisis devastates a family.

231. Monday August 5 2024

August 5th, 202436 min

Dante voices his suspicions. Ava is in the hot seat. Molly has harsh words for Sonny. Dex consoles Josslyn. Natalia offers an ear to Blaze.

232. Tuesday August 6 2024

August 6th, 202436 min

A loved one visits Sonny in his time of need. Anna makes an arrest. Kristina's family prays for a miracle. Jason pays a visit to Carly. Kevin and Laura have cause to celebrate.

233. Wednesday August 7 2024

August 7th, 202436 min

Josslyn confides in Carly. Jason rushes to the hospital. Ava has new cause for concern. Portia is hopeful. Trina reiterates her loyalty.

234. Thursday August 8 2024

August 8th, 202436 min

Trina confronts Heather. Alexis shoots Scott down. Anna has a warning for John. Felicia offers her support. Jason gives Ava a scare.

235. Friday August 9 2024

August 9th, 202436 min

Heather confides in Elizabeth. Laura and Portia hash things out. Michael seeks Willow's help. Nina comes up with a plan. A request leaves Sonny reeling.

236. Monday August 12 2024

August 12th, 202436 min

Blaze receives a tempting offer. Willow makes a life-altering decision. Nina confides in Maxie. Carly gets a big surprise. Anna makes a realization.

237. Tuesday August 13 2024

August 13th, 202436 min

Sonny confides in Jason. Kristina makes a bittersweet decision. Carly warns Ava. Tracy gives Violet a history lesson. John details his new plan.

238. Wednesday August 14 2024

August 14th, 202436 min

Sasha takes Michael's advice to heart. Cody learns from Tracy. Josslyn opens up to Gio. Willow makes a confession. Sonny makes an offer.

239. Thursday August 15 2024

August 15th, 202436 min

Maxie is alarmed. Michael issues an unexpected invitation. Cody attempts a rescue. Felicia gives Mac a piece of her mind. Jason updates Sonny.

240. Friday August 16 2024

August 16th, 202436 min

Jason hits paydirt. Laura gets a distressing call. John makes a shocking arrest. Molly and TJ face a heartbreaking choice. Sonny makes a promise to Kristina.

241. Monday August 19 2024

August 19th, 202436 min

Laura is in for a shock. Dante gets alarming news. Jason confronts Anna. John goads Sonny. Alexis springs to action.

242. Tuesday August 20 2024

August 20th, 202436 min

Sonny makes a promise to Kristina. Kevin and Laura strategize. John loses his cool. Dante opens up to Sam. Nina and Ava have an honest talk.

243. Wednesday August 21 2024

August 21st, 202436 min

Trina challenges Ava. Alexis tries to keep the peace. Molly makes a shocking discovery. Sonny shares a theory with Jason. Anna issues a warning.

244. Thursday August 22 2024

August 22nd, 202436 min

Molly receives much-needed support. Sonny makes an offer to Ava. Josslyn and Trina try to resolve their differences. Kristina goes too far. Maxie questions Natalia.

245. Friday August 23 2024

August 23rd, 202436 min

Laura and Elizabeth commiserate. Dante confides in Chase. Lois is rattled. Molly makes a vow. Sam is taken aback.

246. Monday August 26 2024

August 26th, 202436 min

Tracy is shaken. Laura embarks on a mission. Anna enlists Robert's help. Jason hears Brennan out. Brook Lynn has an emotional talk with Chase.

247. Tuesday August 27 2024

August 27th, 202436 min

Elizabeth and Carly are dumbstruck. Laura delivers dire news. Molly confides in Dex. Ric visits Alexis. Tracy lashes out.

248. Wednesday August 28 2024

August 28th, 202436 min

Laura makes a big decision. Anna makes her case to Brennan. Sonny's suspicions are confirmed. Ava is alarmed. Kristina contacts Jason.

249. Thursday August 29 2024

August 29th, 202436 min

Kristina is devastated. Sonny makes a stunning offer. Drew gets a shocking call. Dante opens up to Olivia. Portia and Curtis discuss the future.

250. Friday August 30 2024

August 30th, 202436 min

Carly puts pressure on Sonny. Alexis faces off with John. Anna is persuasive. Michael worries about Willow. Ava is frightened.

All Seasons

Season 62

Season 62

Sep 3, 2024
Season 61

Season 61

Sep 5, 2023
Season 60

Season 60

Sep 12, 2022
Season 59

Season 59

Sep 12, 2021
Season 58

Season 58

Mar 31, 2020
Season 57

Season 57

Mar 31, 2019
Season 56

Season 56

Apr 1, 2018
Season 55

Season 55

Apr 2, 2017
Season 54

Season 54

Mar 31, 2016
Season 53

Season 53

Mar 31, 2015
Season 52

Season 52

Mar 31, 2014
Season 51

Season 51

Mar 31, 2013
Season 50

Season 50

Apr 1, 2012
Season 48

Season 48

Mar 31, 2010
Season 42

Season 42

Jan 2, 2005
Season 41

Season 41

Apr 1, 2003
Season 37

Season 37

Jan 3, 2000
Season 30

Season 30

Jan 3, 1993
Season 17

Season 17

May 14, 1980
Season 1

Season 1

Apr 1, 1963


Jan 4, 2024