Season 1 Plot
In this bizarre and fast-paced game show, queer celebrieis participate in a series of four hilarious games that challenge their talent, mental, and physical fitness. Hosted by Michael Henry, the Gauntlet of Gaymes is a silly and unpredictable way to see your favorite queer celebrities like you've never seen them before.
Gauntlet of Gaymes Season 1 aired on June 22nd, 2022.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Alaska Thunderf*ck
The Gauntlet tests Alaska’s ability to hunt hunky male bison, pack a suitcase under pressure, perform a cold script reading, and survive a post-apocalyptic obstacle course.
2. Brandon Rogers
The Gauntlet puts Brandon Rogers through a brainwash, a life or death rivia challenge, a drunk friend rescue, and an aspiring actor obstacle course.
3. Tammie Brown
Tammie pops balloon breasts, tackles cheese trivia, crafts a bracelet while giving life advice, and suffers through a golden years obstacle course.
4. Silky Nutmeg Ganache
Silky’s Gauntlet experience asks her to fling darts, survive parrot attacks, fire an unruly employee, and race through a holiday themed obstacle course.
5. Manila Luzon
The Gauntlet puts Manila through a chaotic bean bag toss, jungle trivia, a heart wrenching acting challenge, and a secret agent obstacle course.
6. Candis Cayne
Candis races through the Gauntlet, challenging her bow & arrow skills, trivia chops, and ability to multitask, all culminating in the sinister Political Corruption Obstacle Course.