
Gangsta. Stream and Watch Online

TV Show

Watch 'Gangsta.' Online

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Looking to feast your eyes on "Gangsta." in the comfort of your own home? Hunting down a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or play the drama TV series via subscription can be tricky, so we here at Moviefone want to do right by you.

Read on for a listing of streaming and cable services – including rental, purchase, and subscription choices – along with the availability of "Gangsta." on each platform. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch "Gangsta." right now, here are some details about the ABC TV show.

Originally premiering July 2nd, 2015, "Gangsta." stars Kenjiro Tsuda, Junichi Suwabe, Mamiko Noto, Tetsuo Kanao. The series runs 1 season(s), and has a score of 71 (out of 100) on TMDB, which put together reviews from 83 knowledgeable people.

You probably already know what the show's about, but just in case... Here’s the plot: "In the crime-ridden, mafia-governed city of Ergastulum, Worick and Nicolas are two “handymen” known as “Benriya” who would take any dirty job from either police or mafia — for a good price. After an assignment from police the two met and later joined by Alex, a former prostitute who got interested in the mysterious background of the team, in particular of Nicolas’ abilities."

"Gangsta." is currently available to stream via subscription, rental, or purchase on Hulu, and Apple iTunes .