Season 2 Episodes
1. Vegas Rock
This is the second season opener.Diane stupidly donates Elvis's guitar to a celebrity auction to save face with Amy Hillerman,when she doesn't have it to begin with.In the meantime Nick has received a threat toward his family from a local mob boss.The FBI has him go undercover in Vegas to catch this mob guy.Diane knows Nicks out of town so she tricks Clapper into taking them to Vegas, her idea is to ask Elvis himself to donate his guitar.The girls do a little gambling and even perform in a stage show (accidentally). Nick runs into them and all heck breaks loose.The mob guy ends up behind Bars.Rose falls for one of the Mafia getaway drivers.
2. Once in a Lifeguard
Patti experiences growing pains when she develops a crush on a lifeguard twice her age.Rose tries to become a lifeguard.
3. That's Cheating
Mickey wants to win the yellow beanie sooooo bad she pledges to sell over 500 boxes of girl scout cookies.Rose cheats on her chemistry test,and Nick is vying for the hospitals ""Man of the Year"" award against his arch enemy Al Swichertze.In the end important lessons are learned and goals achieved.
4. Wilderness Blues
The episode starts with the girls arguing and Nick gets fed up and decides they need quality family time, so he takes them on a disastrous camping trip.The problem is solved however and harmony returns.
5. Dear Diary
The girls fight to save there favorite teacher.Meanwhile Patty is having trouble with a writing assignment,so miss Newman gives her a diary to compose a story in.Nick finds it and believes that the diary is real and approaches Patty about it,she gets angry and runs away.The other girls publish a bulletin to help save miss Newman and they get suspended.Nick fights for their cause and miss Newman is allowed to resume teaching.
6. Hunk in the House
Nicks godson comes to visit,hes having family problems and Nick promised the kids father he'd try to help him.Diane is immediately infatuated with him and goes to Rose for help.Rose likes him to and hides her feelings to help Diane.the guy ends up falling for rose and a whole love triangle develops.Nick finds out the kids problem and helps.
7. Marva in the Key of Cee
Marva discovers that Roses new piano teacher has a secret identity,she was a famous singer.Finding out that they have alot of the same likes they become friends.Marva decides she wants to help Cece restart her career,so without her permission she volunteers her to perform at their high school dance.She then proceeds to call up radio stations and the 6 o'clock news team,and even someone from her old record label and invite them to the dance as well.Marva oversteps her bounds and the 2 stop speaking to each other.Nick has to save the day.
8. Beauty and the Babe
Diane decides to enter a beauty pageant, with Nicks permission and a promise to keep her grades up,she goes ahead with it.Mickey wants a unicorn so she dresses up as one to try and catch one.Diane's grades drop and she forges Nicks name on her unsatisfactory note, she is also propositioned by one of the beauty pageant judges.In the end she learns a lesson in honesty and integrity.
9. A Russian Holiday
The Russian diplomat and his son visit.Rose decides hes to stiff and needs to be shown a good time,so she sneaks him out of the embassy without anyones knowledge or consent.He becomes very infatuated with her and decides he no longer wishes to return to Russia.
10. A Very Foley Christmas
Christmas approaches and the girls find out a new social worker has been assigned to them.Nicks scheduled meeting with the worker gets delayed because he has car trouble.The girls entertain her while waiting for Nick.They find out she wants to remove them from Nicks care,so they try to convince her of changing her mind by telling her of there many adventures and how Nick has helped them,in the end the girls are allowed to stay.
11. Guess Who's Coming To Slumber?
Marva runs for class president and stoops to her competitors levels by making false promises.Meanwhile Patty steals a dying racehorse.
12. Sweet 16
The Cuban missile crisis hits the girls full blast as Russia threatens to attack the United States. Nick decides to build a bomb shelter when Mickey becomes afraid of being vaporized.Diane plans a very emotional sweet 16 party, with the idea of creating harmony with Russia.