Season 1 Episodes
1. The Kids of Ichor
The Earth Kids visit a desert planet called Ichor (formerly a beautiful water world). They meet two tribes of feuding alien kids, a clan of alien fish children and a clan of alien shrimp children.
2. Influencers of Star World
Earth Kids visit Star World, an entire planet of famous social media influencers. Star World kids have zillions of followers, but no time for in-person fun with real friends.
3. Science Project
When the Earth kids visit planet Loboto, they befriend two little science students. The brilliant little aliens are so impressed with Kim's brain, they ask if they can take it to school for show and tell.
4. Whoopevils
The Earth Kids and BotDog are on a long boring trip through space, when they meet two mysterious kids called Jasper and Hope. The new kids' species is called, WhoopEvil.
5. The Scented
Planet Aromoid is home to the Smelloids, alien kids who communicate exclusively through smell. Leo becomes lost in a cavern and must use his sense of smell and the memories to find his way to the surface of the planet.
6. U-Doodles
The Earth Kids land on a mysterious planet called Sketch. It's surface is smooth and white like paper. When the kids discover a random coffee cup full of markers they doodle funny characters on the surface of the planet.
7. Emotional Eaters
The Earth Kids make friends with cool alien kids who happen to look like enormous spiders called Webbers. The new friendship is tested when the kids discover that the Webbers are secretly eating their feelings.
8. Fubs are Sweeter than Candy
The Earth Kids land on an adorable planet called, Flibberty Fub-Fub! They quickly meet a species of kids known as Fubs. Leo is impressed because the Fubs look weirdly like the candy he has in his pocket.
9. Lonely Star Cruiser
The Earth Kids meet and befriend Isolatia, a nine year old girl who just happens to be an enormous (and dangerously lonely) spaceship.
10. RoBoos
Oxide Nimoy is a mechanical planet, one hundred percent artificial, loaded with mechanical aliens called 'RoBoos'. The first RoBoos the Earth Kids encounter, Droom and Zettel, are in the throes of a major emergency!
11. Saving Baby Bogo
Planet Stilzar is a mega world, a gargantuan planet populated by mountain sized aliens known as Stilzarians. The Earth Kids try to befriend two mega-big Stilzarian kids but are immediately mistaken for cute squeaky bugs.
12. Koppy Kittens
The Earth Kids travel to planet Fluffzoid, a world of intelligent cat-like aliens.
13. Boogies
Planet Boogie is a dance world featuring alien kids who communicate exclusively via dance. Alice is thrilled because she's an expert dancer and assumes, rightly so, that she can speak dance to their new friends.
14. Zees
The Earth Kids visit planet, REM, a world of aliens who spend their entire lives, cradle to grave, sound asleep.
15. WeeGees
Planet Gag is so small that a human can walk it's entire surface in five minutes - that's super teeny! The kids who live on planet Gag are known as WeeGees.
16. A Sonic Tonic on Planet Phonic
As the Earth Kids approach planet Phonic in the hopes of making friends, they discover that a giant planet eating creature is paddling through space with the intention of swallowing planet Phonic in one monstrous gulp!
17. Phantom of the Aura
After crash landing on the spooky planet, Aura Galorea, the Earth Kids are separated. As the kids try to find each other they encounter cute swampy phantasms and befriend them.
18. Twinklings
Alice, Kim and Leo choose to rescue and befriend the Twinkling children of planet, Twink. The bejeweled planet has been swallowed by a huge world-eating Black Hole Mole.
19. Sketchy Adventure
The Earth Kids return to the amazing planet Sketch to reunite with their U-Doodle friends.
20. Welcome to Camp Ned
Alice, Kim and Leo visit the most amazing place in all the supercluster of stars, 'Camp Ned!' The Earth Kids meet the comically fascinating Piddles and the moon sized boy whose body provides the camp itself, Ned!
21. The Care and Feeding of Your Ick
On planet Flibberty Fub Fub the most prized possession is a little pet-like creature called an Ick. The Fubs send Alice, Kim and Leo their very own Icks as friendship gifts! The Earth Kids are thrilled!
22. BotKim
Kim is shocked to discover that Mazzi and Mizzi, the science kids from planet Loboto, used data from Kim's brain to create a robot version of her.
23. Cocoa
When a space storm on Camp Ned pushes the campers inside and around a projected camp fire, Alice tells a scary story about seeing a ghost in her bedroom.
24. All the Feels
The Earth Kids travel to the Webbers' planet for an alien birthday party. The party is packed with big spider kids dancing and eating feelings!
25. Weird is Logical
A mysterious mythological creature has been spotted in Neds nostril caves - the famous camp legend, Booger Claw!
26. Postal Worms
Kim is always on the look-out for fascinating alien cultural adventures. So she signs Alice, Leo, BotDog and herself up as Super Cluster Postal Interns!
27. Piddles are People Too
A little Piddle is caught dancing by a gaggle of judgmental anti-dance Piddles.
28. Little Leo
The Earth Kids visit planet Twink to hang out with Bib and Fib! It's a lovely visit until Leo is sucked into a time hole and spit back out as a rowdy toddler.
29. Discombobulated
When the Earth Kids face off against the RoBoos in a super fun (but completely competitive!) treasure hunt game on Camp Ned, Alice's red-hot passion for winning is tested.
30. Perfect Day
When Alice invites Cleo and Bib to help babysit spidery Webber babies it's a perfect opportunity to have a girls' day out.
31. Whoop Whale
The Whoopevils mischievously use a radio brain device to control a Space Whale for an exciting Sky Show display on Camp Ned.
32. Forever Pie
When the Earth Kids' memories are ripped from their minds by a rogue cosmic tornado, they forget their friendship mission, why they are in a spaceship called The Dart, who BotDog is and even their friendships.
33. Tiny Start
The Earth Kids encounter a giant, disgusting space bug on their way to Camp Ned. Alice thinks they should try to make friends with it but Kim thinks it's just an ugly bug and definitely not friend material.
34. SuperCluster Buster
When Jasper brings a forbidden WhoopEvil VR game onto Camp Ned and loses it, Leo finds the game and begins to play.
35. Galactic Guardian
The Earth Kids are at school back on Earth, so BotDog decides to have a fun day by himself on Camp Ned.
36. Never Boring
The Earth Kids agree to help the WhoopEvils, become less evil and more...well, normal.
37. Shimmer
When Kim meets an alien girl made of shimmering energy hiding in Ned's nose, she's confused at first. Is this another kid? Is this an animal? Is this a natural phenomena?
38. Kim Sings
Kim creates a 3D printing gizmo for her school science fair. It's very impressive - it prints an artistic object informed by any song you sing into its mic. But Kim's singing voice is...horrible!
39. Muffins for the SuperCluster
When Alice wants to buy a super cute bunny hat she saw online, her mum suggests she earn the money by baking and selling her amaze-muffins on Camp Ned.
40. Party at Alice's House
When messages get crossed and word gets out that 'Alice is hosting a party!', alien kids from all across the supercluster storm her apartment!
41. The Ponies Incident
The sassy Space Ponies of Camp Ned purposely hypnotise Kim with their powerful 'pony love vibes!' The Space Ponies take complete control of Kim's free-will because they want to be pampered.
42. Three Eyes
When the Earth Kids accidentally interrupt Ned's alien rejuvenation cycle, time is reversed on Camp Ned - the whole camp is turned into a tapestry of shimmering memories.
43. Wide Awake Karma
The Earth Kids are called to planet REM for an emergency! Karma, a little Zee from the dream realm, has woken up! This is a problem because Zee's spend their entire lives asleep - they are never awake.
44. The Mystery of Planet Sketch
The Battle Hamsters, stuck on Sketch, want badly to return to their manga comic book! But how can they get off this strange planet?! That's when they have an epic brainstorm.
45. The Sqweekton Incident
Leo accidentally eats a little alien camper who he mistakes for a dumpling. The species he eats are called, Squeektons. They can't hear or speak, they communicate only through vibrations.
46. Cats and Kims
Kim and her robot twin BotKim decide to have a fun day together! But Kim's cat Mr Bisket is jealous, so Kim organises a fun day for her cat with his robot twin, Mr BotBisket.
47. Piddle Pirates
A Piddle virus breaks out on Camp Ned! All the Piddles need to be vaccinated or they risk turning into Piddle Pirates.
48. Quest for Kevin
When Kevin leaves home looking for a life of adventurous friend-making like the Earth Kids, everyone panics. Kevin is too gentle and innocent to be on his own.
49. Biggies Come to Camp
Alice invites the mountain-sized kids from Planet Stilzar to Camp Ned! As Giant kids, they often find playing with other kids (of smaller species) difficult.
50. Calling All Kids
The Earth Kids must solve riddles and survive funny and wild physical challenges to save a family of intelligent ruby coins who, the Earth Kids believe, have been imprisoned in an ancient money dispensing machine.
51. Friends Space
In this episode we'll find out who created the Dart, who selected Alice, Kim and Leo for this friend making mission. We'll meet the creature who rescued BotDog as a puppy in trouble and lots more.
52. BotKids
BotKim is now traveling the supercluster of stars in her customised BotDart. In an effort to battle robotic loneliness she builds a BotAlice and a BotLeo.