Flop TV

Flop TV Season 1: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 1 Episodes

1. Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time

August 5th, 20231 hr 5 min

BEASTMASTER 2: THROUGH THE PORTAL OF TIME – The movie made famous by Dan’s slip of the tongue! What happens when Dar, everyone’s favorite barbarian with animal telepathy powers, is sent to 1990s L.A. through an actual Port-hole of Time?! Directed by a guy who never made another film, and written by Jim Wynorski, the man responsible for both Chopping Mall and Busty Cops Go Hawaiian.

2. Cool World

September 9th, 20231 hr 16 min

COOL WORLD – As the tagline says, “Holly would if she could!” What does that mean? We’ve seen this animated/live-action sex-thriller-comedy and we still don’t know. We do know that apparently director Ralph Bakshi didn’t bother giving animators the script, instead saying “do a scene that’s funny, whatever you want to do!” A unique strategy!

3. Hot Dog and Hamburger Double Feature

October 7th, 20231 hr 19 min

Double feature! – HOT DOG: THE MOVIE / HAMBURGER: THE MOTION PICTURE – It’s a double bill of the only two 1980’s movies to be officially adapted from food! Will we get confused and try to eat the movies? Join us to find out!

4. Over The Top

November 4th, 20231 hr 14 min

OVER THE TOP – History’s greatest movie star, Sly Stallone, takes on history’s greatest sport: arm wrestling, in a film directed by one of history’s greatest schlockmeisters, Menahem Golan. Will Sly himself stop by, in search of restaurant-quality Tostito’s brand corn chips? Join us to find out.

5. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever

December 2nd, 2023

BALLISTIC: ECKS VS. SEVER – It’s the movie title that made America go “Huh?” and also “What?” and “The hell?” Are Ecks and Sever the names of people? Are we supposed to know who they are? Why are they versus each other? What’s “ballistic” doing in there? Learn with us!

6. Nukie

January 6th, 2024

NUKIE – Considered one of the worst films ever made, this South African knockoff of E.T. is rich with rubber-suit, snot-nosed child aliens waddling around! Elliott has long done a presentation warning people not to watch this movie. But we’re gonna!

All Seasons

Season 1

Season 1

Aug 5, 2023


Apr 27, 2024