Alternative Plot
The series centers on the misadventures of 17-year-old Kana, a high school junior who spends her days hanging out with her besties, Mossan, Hijiri, and Pets. They live unremarkable lives, until the day a Mecha falls out of the sky, along with a strange woman named “Haruko.” Her plans for Kana and her friends involve the force known as “ATOMSK.” Kana will have to risk everything to decide whether or not to help… like she really has a choice!
FLCL Alternative aired on September 8th, 2018.
Alternative Episodes
1. Flying Memory
Kana Koumoto - a cheerful 17 year old who can often be a klutz and nosey. One day, while hanging out with her besties (Pets, Mossan and Hijiri), Mossan starts making a rocket using empty soda bottles.
2. Grown-Up Wannabe
One morning, Kana and her besties witness Hijiri kissing a college student Toshio inside his car. Acting more mature than any of her classmates, Hijiri suggests Kana and her besties to do a photo shoot with Toshio.
3. Freestyle Collection
Mossan is the most mature of all 4. With a passion of becoming a designer, she has been working outside of school. Upon discovering her working towards a fashion contest, Kana feels the urge to help her, which rubs her the wrong way.
4. Pit-a-Pat
The 4 girls come watch the basketball game that their Sasaki is a member of. Kana has been secretly in love with Sasaki, whom Haruko ends up making out with. This triggers Kana's NO to activate, but she notices that and runs away.
5. Shake It Off
One hot summer day, the 4 girls and Haruko are playing in the pool. They notice that Pets is missing. Kana later hears from her classmate Aida that Pet's family is very rich and they are moving to Mars.
6. Full Flat
Depressed, Kana flips over the collection of photos she took with her besties. The next day, the 3 girls gather by the beach as they watch the rocket Pets is supposed to be on.