Season 1 Plot
Celebrating 30 years of Friends, this four-part game show tests contestants with trivia and puzzles while re-living fan favorite moments.
Fast Friends Season 1 aired on December 19th, 2024.
Season 1 Episodes
1. The One with the Weenie from Linguine
Celebrating 30 years of the beloved series, three teams of Friends-aholics kick off the competition in hopes of advancing to the Grand Finale.
2. The One with the Chest Wax
After a beloved character tests the contestants' knowledge of Friends parties, the teams face off for an "Ugly Naked Guy" game of charades.
3. The One Where Boston Is a State
Vying for a spot in the finale, three new teams dig deep into their knowledge of Phoebe's songs, as well as the show's iconic arguments and locations.
4. The One with the Winner
In the Grand Finale, the contestants are quizzed by a special guest before heading to the Vegas Wedding Chapel to rank Friends exes in order.