Return to The Mackenzie Plot
In this three part, mini-season, the team returns to The Mackenzie Trail. They are determined to finish what they couldn't in Season 1.
Expedition Overland Return to The Mackenzie aired on October 12th, 2016.
Return to The Mackenzie Episodes
1. Return to The Mackenzie, Part 1
Old crews join with the new as Expedition Overland returns to the MacKenzie in an attempt to map on the Hema Explore map, this fading historical trail of Alexander MacKenzie. In this Episode the team returns to the beginning of this notoriously difficult trail, retracing their steps to conquer the trail once and for all.
2. Return to The Mackenzie, Part 2
Day 3 begins with brig questions; and fuel is becoming a greater concern. The Trail is becoming more than they bargained for. For the first time during this expedition, the guys begin to doubt if they will reach the end.
3. Return to The Mackenzie, Part 3
The completion of the trail.