Series 1 Plot
The documentary military thriller revealing the inside story of the perilous British campaign to evacuate Kabul in 2021 - including top-to-bottom access to the Ministry of Defence.
Evacuation Series 1 aired on July 2nd, 2023.
Series 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
The Taliban begin retaking territory in Afghanistan just as allied forces are leaving the country. No one knows what to expect, but the British government has dispatched a small military team to make preparations for a possible evacuation and has placed a group of elite soldiers on standby to deploy.
2. Episode 2
Taliban fighters break into the airfield and face off against British soldiers. Now that the Taliban have taken over the country, however, they have no choice but to put aside their differences and work together to maintain order.
3. Episode 3
Outside the evacuee processing centre, an explosion occurs in the sewer canal. British soldiers rush to the scene, uncertain if any of their own were caught in the blast, to rescue anyone who needs it.