Series 4 Plot
In Series four, barely a fortnight has passed since the events depicted in the series three finale, and we find Oxford’s finest picking up the pieces of their lives, both personal and professional. Endeavour waits to hear the result of his Sergeant’s Exam, and self-medicates to numb his heartache, but whisky and Tännhauser will only get a man so far. While Thursday and Win deal with their own sense of grief. Their home is empty, Sam gone to the Army and Joan… Who knows where? The stories that remain will take Endeavour and Thursday, together with the rest of Oxford’s Finest, into places hitherto unexplored – the worlds of 1960s pop; Doctors and Nurses; and an exploration of the English pastoral.
Endeavour Series 4 aired on January 8th, 2017.
Series 4 Episodes
1. Game
As Endeavour and Thursday deal with the heartbreak of Joan's departure, a death at East Cowley Slipper Baths hurls Oxford's Finest into their darkest adventure.
2. Canticle
The so called ‘permissive society’ comes under the spotlight as Endeavour is tasked with protecting conservative social activist, Joy Pettybon, after she receives a death threat while visiting Oxford to promote her ‘Keep Britain Decent’ campaign.
3. Lazaretto
Whispers that Cowley General contains a cursed ward - and a seemingly innocuous death - set off a chain of events that lead Endeavour to investigate.
4. Harvest
When a body is found in Bramford Mere, a marshland outside of Oxford, everyone assumes they are the remains of Dr Matthew Laxman, an Oxford botanist who mysteriously disappeared near the site five years earlier.