Season 1 Plot
This series delves into the lives and psyches of women who have committed irreparable acts. Each episode tells the story of a murderess who has made the headlines, and traces the thread of a tragedy that has left an indelible mark. Through these deeply moving stories, we revisit the places, times and social context that led to the tragedy.
Elles ont tué Season 1 aired on January 12th, 2024.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Mélanie Alix
In January 2001, a woman loses her life in a fire. Two years later, a little boy perishes in almost identical circumstances.
2. Tracy T.
In July 1994, Tracy T. slits the throat of her ex-partner, a young veterinarian. At the trial, the judge's words stir up controversy.
3. Cathie Gauthier
January 2009, the bodies of a man and his three children are found in their home. Only one person is still alive: the mother.
4. Marielle Houle
Fall 2004, Charles Falaria dies at home. After Charles takes his last breath, his mother calls for help and reveals what has happened.
5. Episode 5
In December 2008, Stéphanie Meunier calls 911 in a panic. The paramedics discover an unconscious, abused child.
6. Episode 6
In June 1983, René Caron's body is found in a park in Vieux-Terrebonne. It will take twelve years to find the culprit.
7. Episode 7
In 1999, Michel Graveline dies of a bullet wound to the abdomen. His wife Rita calls 911 and confesses to shooting her husband.
8. Episode 8
Summer 1999, Michel Dugas goes missing. After years of searching, his wife Marie-Jeanne Gendron becomes the number one suspect.