Miniseries Plot
In the 1970s, in the midst of Franco's dictatorship, a Spanish circus astonished the world: the Circo de los Muchachos, which was the visible face of Benposta, a children's republic run by Father Silva: the story of the rise and fall of one of the most unique utopias of the 20th century.
Los Muchachos Revolution Circus Miniseries aired on November 22nd, 2024.
Miniseries Episodes
1. A World First!
Galicia, 1960s. With fifteen children and a motorbike, Father Silva creates Benposta, a city governed by children called upon to change the world whose message finds an unusual showcase that quickly triumphs worldwide.
2. Children's Republic
1970-1975: After disastrous beginnings, the Circo de los Muchachos achieves unprecedented international success and Benposta becomes an educational benchmark; but the children grow up and want to take an active part in its future, thus the Priest's leadership is questioned.
3. We Are the Children of the Earth
1975-1985: The Circo de los Muchachos tours the five continents in an unusual journey full of excesses and surreal experiences; while, in Benposta, far from the glamour of the circus, there are major difficulties: the Priest has been unable to keep up with the pace of democratic Spain and is on the verge of bankruptcy.
4. The War That Poisons the Nights and Darkens the Days
1985-2000: Problems worsen when, in the initially successful Spanish Welfare State, Benposta runs out of children and the Priest has to go to America and Africa in search of new members; while an urban development plan threatens to destroy the utopia and a merciless war breaks out, pitting politics and the media against each other.
5. If All Men Were to Shake Hands…
2000s: The former muchachos revolt to save Benposta or dethrone the leader, a fratricidal struggle that darkens the last years of the Priest. What remains today of that utopia?