A Tale of Memories Plot
On Christmas Eve, Hiro Hirono's bike is stolen by a girl chasing a thief who stole her purse. He gives chase and finds her unconscious and his bike ruined. The girl, Miyako Miyamura, soon awakes and the two begin to talk. After making sure she is okay, they end up spending Christmas Eve together. Later, Hiro finds out Miyako attends the same school as him and they begin to spend more and more time together, Miyako developing affections for Hiro. Kei Shindou—Hiro's childhood friend who has long held a crush on him—begins to become jealous and a love triangle follows. The series also tells the story of Renji Asou. One day, he meets Chihiro Shindou, the twin sister of Kei Shindou, at an abandoned train station. Even though she's very shy, they get along pretty well and begin meeting at the same spot everyday. However, Renji finds out that Chihiro was in a car accident years ago and as a consequence she suffers from a disability: her memory lasts only 13 hours. Nevertheless, after learning that Chihiro's dream is to write a novel, Renji finally decides to help her fulfill her dream while also trying to make her overcome the difficulties imposed by her condition.
Ef: A Tale Of Memories & Melodies A Tale of Memories aired on October 6th, 2007.
A Tale of Memories Episodes
1. Eve
Kyosuke Tsutsumi spots a beautiful girl and tries to photograph her. Hiro Hirono meets the beautiful Miyako Miyamura when she steals his bike in pursuit of a purse thief. Renji Aso encounters the mysterious Chihiro Shindo at an abandoned train station.
2. Upon a Time
Kyosuke questions his ability as a photographer. Hirono spends the day with Miyako. Chihiro reveals to Renji that she has a memory defect that only allows her to remember the last thirteen hours.
3. Paradox
Renji rethinks his arrangement with Chihiro. Miyako walks out on Hiro. Kyosuke makes some major changes.
4. Honesty
Renji sees Chihiro for the first time after she gets over her cold and apologizes for not coming last time. Renji asks her if she would like to write a novel with him, as she had said earlier that it was her dream to write one, but Chihiro gets very defensive and angry at his request. After talking with her more on the issue, Chihiro finally gives in to his persistence. Kyosuke sees Kei again in town and finally realizes she was the one he filmed on Christmas. Hiro meets with Miyako in town and she goes back to his place while he works on his manga. Miyako reads some of Hiro's manga, and as an act to show her gratitude, she cooks food for him. Kei walks in on them together, and runs off.
5. Outline
Renji is concerned with Chihiro's manuscript, Miyako refuses to leave Hiro alone, and Kyosuke gets Kei's attention.
6. Rain
Kyosuke's interest in Kei wasn't straightforward, Kei ruins Mikyako and Hirono's date, Renji and Chihiro sneak into the library.
7. I...
After getting a significant amount of work done on the novel, Renji and Chihiro go for a walk on the beach where a misunderstanding causes Chihiro to run away in tears. Kei further sabotages Miyako's relationship with Hiro.
8. Clear Colour
Hiro reaches out to Miyako, while the frantic pace Chihiro has been working causes her to collapse.
9. Forget Me Not
Hiro and Miyako take their relationship to the next level, causing Kei to melt down emotionally. Renji pushes on with the work, despite Chihiro's change in personality and the pain it causes him.
10. I'm Here
Hiro and Kei come to an understanding, but Miyako is pulling away from him.
11. Ever Forever
Chihiro finishes her novel and agrees to go out on a date with Renji.
12. Love
A depressed Renji reflects on his memories with Chihiro and begins to collect her missing diary pages. They meet again at the train station. Yuko and Yu reunite at the old church, and all is well for the other couples.