Season 6 Episodes
1. Born From Anger - Another Majin!
After managing to calm down Buu's rage by dealing with the thugs himself, Mr. Satan discovers that the dog is barely alive, with Buu managing to heal him just in time. As Buu, Mr. Satan, and the dog start becoming closer, Mr. Satan decides to stop taking advantage of Buu's innocence and become his earnest friend. However, the thugs from earlier show up and shoot Mr. Satan, once again causing Buu to be overcome with anger. After healing Mr. Satan, Buu instructs him and the dog to get away from him, as the evil in his body escapes and transforms into a tall, grey, emaciated version of Majin Buu.
2. Buu Eats Buu - A New Majin Attacks!!
Buu attempts to fight against the Evil Buu, but out that finds he is much weaker, as most of his power had been transferred over to his evil side. As such, Evil Buu manages to reflect Buu's candy attack back at him, turning him into chocolate before eating him and gaining his power, giving him a more complete form. Sensing the energy of Piccolo and the others, Evil Buu arrives at Kami's Palace, demanding to fight against Gotenks. Piccolo attempts to stall for time by telling Evil Buu to wait until all earthlings are killed, instructing Krillin to bring Goten and Trunks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to make use of what little time they have.
3. Head Straight towards the Catastrophe! One Hour Time Limit!!
Piccolo's hopes of being able to buy some time are dashed when Evil Buu unleashes a powerful homing attack which targets and kills every human on the earth, with the exception of Mr. Satan, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Piccolo, along with Videl, manages to convince Evil Buu to wait for an hour so that Goten and Trunks can train. Meanwhile, Gohan, tired of waiting any longer for Old Kai's power-up, discovers that he has indeed managed to increase his power and agrees to wait for the power-up to be completed. Becoming further angered when Evil Buu kills an impatient Chichi, Goten barely holds in his anger and joins Trunks in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. With Evil Buu growing impatient after only thirty minutes, Piccolo tries to buy as much time as possible as he slowly leads Evil Buu to the chamber, believing that even if Goten and Trunks fail, they can destroy the chamber's entrance and trap him there.
4. Training Complete! You're Finished Now, Majin Buu!
Piccolo stalled Super Buu for as long as he could. But it’s time for the rematch between Super Buu and Gotenks.
5. Eliminating Buu with Ghosts: A Knockout Kamikaze Attack!
Super Buu and Gotenks square off inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and Gotenks reveals a new ability.
6. The Reserved Transformation of Gotenks! Super Gotenks 3!!
Hysterically upset at the prospect of being trapped in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber forever, with nothing to destroy and no candy to eat, Super Buu starts to scream. To everyone's surprise including his own, his screams become so powerful that they create a hole in the barrier between the dimensions of the chamber and Earth. Buu changes shape in order to fit through it, and the hole closes, leaving Piccolo and Gotenks trapped. Back on The Lookout, Buu is hungry and excited at the prospect of turning more people into food, and so he turns everyone on the lookout into chocolate. Piccolo and Gotenks have been attempting to scream loud enough to create an inter-dimensional hole like Buu did, but they have no success. Gotenks decides to play his trump card, transforming into a Super Saiyan 3. In this state, he has the power necessary to create a hole for him and Piccolo to jump through. Upon their return to the lookout, Buu tells Gotenks that he ate all of his friends, and enraged, Gotenks promises Buu that he will pay.
7. On a Roll! Buu-Buu-Volleyball!
A newly powered up Gotenks seeks vengeance on Super Buu, but Buu has made it clear he won’t go down without a fight.
8. Thanks for Waiting, Everyone! A Reborn Gohan Heads for Earth!
The battle between Gotenks and Super Buu ends abruptly when Buu inexplicably falls asleep. Gohan is finally ready to unleash his new powers.
9. Buu Overwhelmed! Ultimate Gohan's Super Power!
Gohan tests his newfound power against Super Buu in brutal combat.
10. Buu's Sinister Scheme: Gotenks Is Absorbed
Majin Buu returns to the battlefield with suspiciously renewed confidence. Turning his focus to Trunks and Goten, he goads them into becoming Gotenks once more
11. The Great Kaiōshin’s Bright Idea! Son Goku is Revived!!
Gohan is no match for the new Super Buu. Buu now possesses new skills, such as the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack and the Special Beam Cannon, each of which he uses on Gohan. He is about to finish Gohan, when Bee comes running up. Hercule tries to save Bee, but is only several times stronger than the average human - nothing compared to Buu. Buu is about to blast each of them when Gohan saves them. Buu then uses Gotenks' Galactic Doughnut trick on Gohan, and aims a Kamehameha wave at him, but Gohan is able to summon enough strength to break free and move out of the way in time. Meanwhile, in Other World, King Yemma decides to send Vegeta back to earth to help in the fight against Majin Buu. On the world of the Kais, Old Kai decides to give his life to Goku so he can return to Earth and fight Buu. The now deceased Old Kai gives Goku his earrings. He explains to Goku that if he and another person each wear one, they will fuse together.
12. One Time Only Miracle… Will the Super Combination With That Guy Come About?
Old Kai tells Supreme Kai and Kibito to try a fusion with their earrings, but only after they fuse together does he reveal that it is a permanent fusion. Dende heals Gohan's injuries, so to prevent this from happening again, Buu creates a giant energy ball and aims it at Dende. Just before it hits, it is deflected by Tien's Tri-Beam attack, who has decided to help, even though he is terribly outclassed. Buu tries again, but Goku suddenly appears and sends a disk of energy at the monster. It cuts off his legs and part of his head. His legs deal Tien a crushing kick which completely incapacitates him and then they return to Buu. Desperate to stop Majin Buu, Goku throws Gohan the other earring, but his aim is off and the earring is lost in the rubble. Goku goes Super Saiyan 3 in an attempt to hold Buu off while Gohan searches for the earring. Inside Super Buu, Gotenks' fusion wears off, splitting back into Trunks and Goten, causing Buu to lose well over a third of his power and his appearance to change. Realizing what's happened, Goku declares he can now defeat Majin Buu without fusing with Gohan and prepares to fight. Knowing he needs a massive power increase, Buu causes the part of his head that was cut off earlier to suddenly engulf Gohan, just like Piccolo and Gotenks. He reabsorbs the blob containing Gohan, and is now even more powerful than he was with Gotenks absorbed. Now back in control, Buu toys with Goku, telling him he has some time to find someone to fuse with. He considers fusions with Dende and Hercule, but neither of them are appealing possibilities. He suddenly senses that Vegeta has returned, and uses Instant Transmission to teleport to his location. While Buu is distracted, Dende heals Tien. After Goku finds Vegeta, Goku tries to convince him to fuse, but Vegeta is angry at Goku because he knows Goku was holding back his Super Saiyan 3 transformation when they fought. With Vegeta refusing to cooperate, they are forced to take on Buu as individuals, but are clearly outclassed. Goku tells Vegeta that Buu absorbed Trunks and killed Bulma and asks him to put their differences aside to save their people. Vegeta finally agrees, and only when he puts the earring on does Goku mention that the fusion is permanent. The two last surviving Saiyans fuse and a new being is created.
13. Invincible! Ultimate Warrior Vegito!
The new being names himself Vegito, and begins to fight Buu. He clearly is far superior to even the new Super Buu. In Other World, Bulma, Videl, Chi Chi, and Dabura are looking for Gohan, whom they mostly believe to be dead. When Dabura arrived at the Check-in Station, he resisted the guards attempts to subdue his aggressive behavior, and knowing Dabura would enjoy being sent to hell, King Yemma turned him good. Back on earth, Dende and Hercule arrive at the battle scene, just as Buu has decided to destroy the earth. He creates a massive ball of energy, and throws it towards the earth. Vegito easily catches it, and deflects it back out into space. Buu claims that he has yet to fight at his full power. Vegito says the same, and powers up to a Super Saiyan. Now calling himself Super Vegito, he continues to thrash Super Buu. Buu tries to hide himself with his own steam to gain an advantage, but Vegito continues to batter him. On the Grand Kai's planet, Krillin and Yamcha are training with King Kai. Back on earth, Buu is starting to become desperate. He liquifies himself, and shoots down Vegito's mouth, entering his body and turning him into what looks like a super-muscular version of himself. While inside Vegito, Buu takes control of his body and boasts that he will use him to destroy him from the inside, but Vegito uses his energy to isolate all of Buu into one spot and pound him. Buu moves around but Vegito simply continues to pound him. Buu is forced to exit Vegito's body. Realizing he doesn't know how he can save himself, Super Majin Buu begins to freak out, and the immense amount of energy he releases into his surroundings threatens to tear apart the universe itself. Realizing this, Vegito tries to stop him, but Buu has put up a shield around himself. After a long struggle, Vegito breaks through the shield and stops Buu.
14. The Ace up Buu's Sleeve! The Warriors are Absorbed!!
Vegito and Buu continue to fight, but Vegito is still far more powerful than his opponent. He repeatedly dominates Buu, which makes Buu angrier and angrier. Vegito is just toying with him. Buu hatches a plan, and calls Vegito out. Vegito comes closer, and Buu turns him into candy. As Buu celebrates his apparent victory, the Vegito candy unexpectedly begins to attack Buu. It turns out that Vegito is somehow still in full control of his new, candy body, and that he is just as powerful as he was before, and can even still talk! (Albeit in a higher pitch). The candy Vegito is just as fast as Super Vegito, and due to its tiny size, is impossible for Buu to hit. Infuriated at being toyed with by a piece of candy, Buu changes it back into Vegito, who then continues to beat him up. Vegito literally starts tearing Buu apart. He gives Buu until the count of ten until he destroys him, and during this countdown, Buu notices a part of himself that Vegito tore off down on the ground. This part rises up behind Vegito, and before Vegito reaches ten, he is engulfed by the pink blob. Buu calls the blob back to him and absorbs it.
15. Rescuing Gohan and Company! Goku and Vegeta's Infiltration Mission!
After absorbing Vegito, Buu notices that he has not taken on any of his characteristics. He guesses this is because he hasn't digested Vegito yet. Inside Buu, Vegito still exists intact, and separate from Buu. It turns out that Vegito had planned this, putting up a barrier during the absorption, and letting himself be shrunk by Buu's magic absorption process, but not incorporated into his being. Once he dispels the barrier, Vegito unexpectedly splits back into Goku and Vegeta. Taking advantage of this unexpected event, Vegeta crushes his fusion earring, not wanting to give up his independence from Goku by permanently fusing with him. He cites that once they free their absorbed friends, Buu will lose most of his power and they won't need to be fused to defeat him. Goku and Vegeta cut down the cocoons of Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo, and as they do, Super Buu regresses to his normal form. Dende and Hercule continue to follow Buu. Back inside Majin Buu, Goku and Vegeta also find the fat Majin Buu. They read his thoughts to find out what happened to him. Suddenly, a thought form of Super Buu himself appears. The two join forces to defeat it, but once they do, another one appears. They realize that this is a battle they cannot win. Buu finally decides that he's had enough, and he tries to absorb Goku and Vegeta.
16. Emergency Escape from Inside the Body! Buu's Reverse-Transformation is the Worst!!
Goku saves Vegeta from being absorbed. As Vegeta recovers, Goku continues to fight the thought form of Super Buu. Goku is rapidly losing energy, and just as Super Buu is about to defeat Goku, Vegeta cuts down the pod containing the fat Majin Buu. This causes Super Buu to go mad, as without the fat Majin Buu absorbed, Super Buu cannot exist. As Super Buu's insides begin to change, Goku and Vegeta realize they must leave, and so they grab the pods containing Gohan, Goten, Piccolo and Trunks and try to find a way out. On their way through his body, they notice one of the tunnels that leads to one of the holes in Buu's skin where the steam escapes. They are able to fly out through here, and when they emerge on the other side, all six of them regain their normal size. As Goku and Vegeta set the pods down, they observe Super Buu changing into a different being. He first transforms into a hulking form, and then shrinks into a childlike version of himself.
17. Earth Disappears!! The Original Buu's Single Cruel Blast!!
Supreme Kai explains to Old Kai that there were once one five Supreme Kais. He was one of the four that each ruled over a quadrant of the universe, and the fifth was their leader. He says that this latest, childlike version (Kid Buu), is the original, true Majin Buu, and by far the most powerful of them all. Supreme North and West Kai perished against him. Supreme South Kai was absorbed, changing the original Majin Buu into the hulking form that was seen briefly in the previous episode. The leader, Dai Kaio, was then absorbed by that form, but this absorption changed Buu into the fat, happy Buu that came out of the ball. This absorption of the Kais actually weakened Buu, making him less focused and less destructive. Back on earth, Kid Buu creates a powerful ball of energy and throws it at the earth, intending to destroy it. Goku and Vegeta deflect it. In retaliation, Kid Buu then a creates a ball ten times more powerful than the previous one and throws it. Knowing that they currently do not have enough strength left to stop it, Goku and Vegeta try to grab everyone and teleport away, but are only able to grab Dende, Hercule, and Bee. As the Earth is about to be destroyed, Supreme Kai appears and instantly transmits Goku, Vegeta, Dende, Hercule, and Bee to the world of the Kais.
18. Final Decisive Battle! A Conclusion in the Realm of the Kais!!
Kid Buu is blasted apart by the explosion, but he reforms after the destruction of the Earth, and goes on a rampage throughout the galaxy. He goes from planet to planet, looking for Goku and Vegeta, and then destroys each planet when he doesn't find them. He goes to the Grand Kai's planet, and starts to toy with everyone there. When he becomes bored, he creates an energy ball, intending to destroy the Grand Kai's planet. Supreme Kai offers Goku and Vegeta his fusion earrings, but they both refuse them. They raise their power levels so Buu will know where to find them. Buu abandons his attempt to destroy the Grand Kai's planet and teleports to the world of the Kais. The Supreme Kai transports himself, Dende, and Old Kai to a distant planet so they will be out of Goku and Vegeta's way, along with a crystal ball that allows them to watch the battle. Unfortunately, they forget to take Hercule and Bee along. Goku and Vegeta play rock, paper, scissors to decide who will fight first, and Goku wins. He powers up to Super Saiyan 2, and starts beating up Buu. Goku blasts him apart, but he reforms. Buu creates another massive energy ball and throws it down at the planet. Goku is able to deflect it, but Buu guides the ball back around and into the planet. Powerful shock waves rock the entire planet, disfiguring its shape and leaving the surface ragged and uneven. Goku decides to power up to Super Saiyan 3.
19. Hang In There, Kakarot! You Are No. 1!
Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 3 to fight Kid Buu. Vegeta watches in awe, reflecting on the years he spent chasing the other Saiyan.
20. A One-Minute Match-Up! Vegeta's Life-Threatening Stall for Time!
Goku goes toe-to-toe with Kid Buu but can’t finish him off. He has a plan, but he’ll need Vegeta’s help to see it through. Can the Saiyan prince distract Kid Buu long enough for Goku to charge up?
21. A Secret Plan Comes Together in a Flash - Please Grant These Two Wishes!
Fat Majin Buu enters the fight, saving Vegeta from death. However, he is no match for Kid Buu, who begins to severely beat him. Hercule tries to help Fat Buu, but is ineffective. Vegeta suddenly comes up with a plan. He communicates with Dende, telling him to go to New Namek and gather the Dragon Balls. The Supreme Kai and Old Kai take Dende there, and the Namekians are waiting with the seven balls. Porunga is summoned, and Vegeta tells Dende his two wishes: bring back the earth and restore it to its undamaged state, and bring back all of the non-evil people that died since the morning of the World Martial Arts Tournament. These wishes are granted, and even Vegeta himself comes back to life, proving that he is no longer evil. He finally reveals the main part of his plan to destroy Buu: the Spirit Bomb.
22. Give Me Energy! We'll Make a Huge Spirit Bomb!!
The people of earth come back to life, including the Z Fighters and their friends. Goku gets into position to create the Spirit Bomb, and with the help of King Kai, Vegeta speaks to the entire population of earth. He tells them what's going on, and that to defeat Buu, they need to raise their hands up and offer their energy. Only Goku and Vegeta's family and friends comply. No one else is willing to listen to a mysterious voice from the sky. Vegeta repeatedly pleads with the earthlings, but to no avail. While this is going on, Fat Buu is buying them time by fighting Kid Buu, but it's not going well. Goku hasn't gathered nearly enough energy to destroy Buu.
23. The Savior of the World is You! Everyone's Spirit Bomb is Completed!!
Vegeta continues to plead with the people of earth, but no one will listen to him. Fat Buu has finally lost all of his energy, so Vegeta is forced to fight Kid Buu. He is no match for him, and gets severely beaten. Now Goku asks the earthlings to raise up their arms and donate some of their energy, and small pockets of people who recognize his voice or just like the sound of it do so, but the vast majority remain uninterested. Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks spread out into the city, hoping to convince people to raise their arms. Hercule has finally had enough, and he speaks to the people of earth. When they hear the familiar voice of the "World Champion," all of the people of earth raise their arms and offer their energy. The Spirit Bomb is finally ready.
24. Son Goku is the Strongest After All!! Majin Buu is Annihilated
Goku is ready to throw the Spirit Bomb, but Vegeta is in the way, and, despite Vegeta's pleas otherwise, he refuses to take out Vegeta along with Buu. Suddenly, Fat Buu gets up and holds Kid Buu down long enough for Hercule to pull Vegeta to safety. Kid Buu kick Fat Buu aside, and Goku throws the Spirit Bomb. It hits Kid Buu, but he starts pushing it back. Goku uses all of the remaining energy he has left trying to push it back into Kid Buu, but he is too powerful. After a brief panic, Vegeta suddenly remembers that they still have a third wish with Porunga. He instructs Dende to wish for Goku's power level to be restored to its normal, healthy level. The wish is granted, and upon turning into a Super Saiyan, Goku is easily able to force the Spirit Bomb back at Kid Buu. As he does so, he silently wishes that Buu had been a better person, and hopes to fight him as a different person, some day in the future. The Spirit Bomb hits with full force, finally destroying the evil, childlike Majin Buu permanently. After billions of years of destruction, he has finally been brought to justice.
25. And So, After 10 Years... The First World Martial Arts Tournament in a Long Time!
Ten years have passed, and much has changed. Gohan has become a scholar, and Trunks and Goten are in their late teens. Goku is training with Goten when Bulma and Vegeta, who have a new daughter, Bulla, show up after not seeing him in five years. Goku says that he and Goten will be entering the World Martial Arts Tournament, so Vegeta says that he and Trunks will do the same. The day of the tournament comes, and old friends catch up. Everyone has arrived to watch. Gohan, who is now married to Videl, has decided not to enter, but his daughter, Pan, will fight. Since there is no junior division this time, she will be fighting with the adults. Hercule and Buu will also be fighting. However, Goku says that there is someone who is 100% human that can threaten to beat him and Vegeta. The seeding draw for the tournament begins, and Goku asks Majin Buu to use his magic to rig it so that he faces the powerful mystery fighter he had talked about. In the first match, Pan faces Wild Tiger, and the four-year-old easily dispatches him. Next up is Goku against a ten-year-old boy named Uub. Uub is the reincarnation of the evil Kid Majin Buu. King Yemma apparently heard Goku's wish right before the evil Buu was destroyed, and he reincarnated him as a good person named Uub. Uub is apprehensive, so to bait him into fighting, Goku eventually resorts to taunting the young boy. After a particularly nasty insult and a kick to the face, Uub has snapped, and is now ready to fight.
26. Even Stronger! Goku's Dream Never Ends!!
Goku and Uub begin to fight, and it is clear that Uub does not know much about fighting. But as the match goes on, he learns more and more, and more and more of his hidden power is released until he is able to go toe to toe with Goku in his base state (without Goku powering up). When Goku does power up slightly (in his normal state) Uub nearly falls out of the ring, but Goku saves him from hitting the ground. He realizes that Uub doesn't even know how to fly, so Goku decides to train him. Despite his friends and family pleading with Goku to stay, he flies away with Uub on his back. Goku decides to train Uub to defend the Earth when he's gone. He hopes one day, when Uub's training is complete, to have a real all-out match with him to test their power. Goku and Uub fly off into the distance with whoops of joy.