Series 2 Plot
In season one, Livia Drusilla, the golden girl of the prominent Claudii family, returned to Rome after 10 years in exile, determined to regain everything that was stolen from her. Now, atop a fractious empire and a dysfunctional dynasty, she must fight to preserve her marriage to Gaius and find a way to seat one of her sons on the throne, as new and old rivals jockey for position in a world where it’s impossible to know who to trust.
Domina Series 2 aired on July 9th, 2023.
Series 2 Episodes
1. Conspiracy
Livia and Gaius return to famine in Rome. Gaius starts a succession race.
2. Wedding
Drusus and Antonina’s wedding is threatened. Livia’s marriage is tested.
3. Betrayal
Livia and Gemina come face to face with life-changing consequences. Drusus’ military career is in danger.
4. Exile
Livia’s missed in Rome, and must deal with a threat to her sons and secure Gaius’ forgiveness.
5. Sacrilege
Gaius’ plans for the succession shock Livia. Tiberius grows suspicious of Gaius.
6. Freedom
Shocking news brings instability to Rome. Livia must make a dangerous choice.
7. Curse
Livia is threatened on her way to a wedding and has to make a life-threatening decision.
8. Control
Livia must reassert control of the family. News from Germany has devastating consequences.