Season 2 Plot
Six months after the events of the first season, a seemingly inhuman monster has finally found the strength to reveal itself at a birthday party, setting in motion a chain of events that will change not just one world, but two.
Dollface Season 2 aired on April 8th, 2022.
Season 2 Episodes
1. Chapter one: You who cannot see
Harley, Saoirse and Ronan mourn the loss of the Jester. Gio adjusts to a normal life. The groups converge at the mall for Kiersten's birthday.
2. Chapter two: Do not go gentle into that good night
Harley dons her father's mask as she seeks to avenge his death. Dominique wants to find a way to reopen the mirror. Gio searches for the origin of the dome. Rebecca's powers grow erratic.
3. Chapter three: The little death that brings total obliteration
To save Gio, the group must find a way out of the mall. Gio speaks with the phage. Harley arrives in Spine Rock.
4. Chapter four: Evil isn't exactly as you remember
Gio finds herself a host to the phage and Harley escapes with Aega. With the threat of Kiersten's death imminent, the group make a new plan.
5. Chapter five: More than a mirror
Dominique, Aega and Harley venture into the mirror. Rebecca, Angela and Weilan head to Blackfrair Alley while the rest look for a way to get the phage out of Gio as it grows its army.
6. Chapter six: What's left of me is her
Dominique forms an alliance with the Panknawi. Gio sees into the mind of the phage as the group defend the mall against the phage's monster army.
7. Chapter seven: Blind hate and anger
The mall group are outrun by monsters. Rebecca's crew break into Blackfrair Alley to save Aega. Gio doesn't want the phage to die. Dominique's success is undermined by Saoirse's coup.
8. Chapter eight: The sorrows you drown
The new army moves forward under Saoirse's leadership. Back in Spine Rock, the parents notify the government as the mall group prepare for war with the Phage's legion.
9. Chapter nine: All the way down
Spine Rock is transformed into a battlefield as the kids reunite and Saoirse's army goes head to head against the Phage's. Harley is out for vengeance.