Season 22 Episodes
1. Mahadev saves Manika from Raja Arivardhan
Arunasur discusses about Surya Dev with his Mahamantri. Raja Arivardhan becomes furious at Manika for protesting against his barbarity towards the horses.
2. Arunasur challenges Bhoothnath
Arunasur believes that he can bring his mother back to life by using the powers of the gods, but fails.
3. Bhoothnath defeats Arunasur
Parvati performs sadhana for the safety of the five Devas. On the battlefield, Bhoothnath tries to weaken Arunasur by reminding him of his past.
4. Arunasur uses all his powers
Parvati tells Kartikay about her role in protecting the universe. Mahadev explains to Suryadev why Parvati cannot give him back his duties, even after his release from captivity.
5. Mahadev enlightens Kartikey about Parvati's karma
Mahadev enlightens Kartikey about Parvati's karma for the sake of the universe. Parvati thanks Mahadev for supporting her in performing sadhana.
6. Arunasur's determination
MythologyHindiLife OkPG Arunasur remains adamant on defeating Bhoothnath. But Bhoothnath again defeats him and helps Varun Dev free himself.
7. Parvati falls unconscious
Bhoothnath continues to fight against Arunasur to make him realise that he is sinning against the gods. Parvati restores the powers and duties of the five Devas.