Curse of Osiris Plot
After the defeat of the Red Legion, the battered Last City starts to rebuild all they lost. However, when a terrible Vex plot threatens Mercury, the legendary warlock Osiris calls upon the Guardian to prevent the Vex from assimilating the entire universe.
Destiny 2: The Series Curse of Osiris aired on November 17th, 2020.
Curse of Osiris Episodes
1. The Gateway
Travel to Mercury and the fabled Lighthouse to answer Brother Vance's distress call.
2. A Deadly Trial
Find a way to revive Osiris' Ghost, Sagira.
3. Deep Storage
Search the Pyramidion on Io for a map of the Infinite Forest to guide you to Panoptes.
4. Hijacked
Head to Nessus to find a processor powerful enough to analyze the data from the map of the Infinite Forest.
5. Omega
It's now or never. Enter the Infinite Forest and defeat Panoptes now, before the Vex future victory becomes inevitable.