Desafío 2016: Súper Humanos, Súper Regiones Plot
The Desafío searched 42 people from different regions of Colombia with different abilities, but with something in common: love for the sport. The teams will consist of six regions: Antioqueños, Cachacos, Cafeteros, Costeños, Santandereanos and Vallecaucanos, each consisting of seven people who will test their strength, courage and strength in the different competitions.
Desafio Desafío 2016: Súper Humanos, Súper Regiones aired on July 4th, 2016.
Desafío 2016: Súper Humanos, Súper Regiones Episodes
1. Territorial Challenge
A total of 42 participants, distributed in the region Antioqueños, Cachacos, Cafeteros, Costeños, Santandereanos and Vallecaucanos they will give everything they have for to prove they are the strongest.
2. Challenge of Salvation
A difficult test participants had to perform and so was his adrenaline that pain did not become an obstacle to continue.
3. Final Challenge
4. Challenge To Death
Juan Carlos and Esmeralda face the first challenge to Death left a deleted Challenge Super Human.