Mini Series Plot
The final chapter of Larry McMurty's popular and critically acclaimed mini-series, 'Lonesome Dove', recounting the thrilling first adventure of Gus McCrae and Woodrow Call. Great Cast!
Dead Man's Walk Mini Series aired on May 12th, 1996.
Mini Series Episodes
1. Part 1
Woodrow and Augustus join Colonel Cobb's military expedition to capture and annex Santa Fe from Mexico on behalf of the new Texas Republic.
2. Part 2
Colonel Cobb's bad judgment and other disasters, (dust storms, prairie fires, and Indians) decimate his ambitions on their way to annex Sante Fe
3. Part 3
The survivors, after surrendering to the Mexican army, must now march the Jornada del Muerto (The Dead Man's Walk) across 500 miles of desert to New Mexico. Their numbers dwindle from from disease, fatigue, thirst, and a murderous Apache named Gomez.