Season 1 Plot
Dead Fantasy is a series of fan-made CG action movies created by Monty Oum, starring a cast of characters from the Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, and Kingdom Hearts game franchises, fighting it out against each other "battle-royale" style in a number of different environments, including archaic ruins and modern cities.
Dead Fantasy Season 1 aired on November 1st, 2007.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Dead Fantasy I
Dead Fantasy I introduces the first six characters. The fight takes place inside, and later outside, of an enormous, abandoned temple situated atop a tower.
2. Dead Fantasy II
Dead Fantasy II is the first segment to show the use of magic on both sides of the battle, and the first to feature a character not directly linked to the series' namesake franchises: Kairi of Kingdom Hearts.
3. Dead Fantasy III
Dead Fantasy III, which shows the first of a series of one-on-one battles between the different sides, was released alongside Dead Fantasy IV.
4. Dead Fantasy IV
Dead Fantasy IV was released only one week after Dead Fantasy III and features the series' first male character: Cloud Strife.
5. Dead Fantasy V
The fifth installment is a direct sequel to Dead Fantasy III, and shows what happens to Tifa and Hitomi after their one-on-one battle in the cathedral. It introduces the first male Dead or Alive characters of the series.