Season 1 Episodes
1. #SuperSleeper
During a sleepover, Supergirl ends up sleep-flying out into the night leaving Batgirl to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
2. #BatCatcher
Batgirl sees what she thinks is the Bat-Signal and gets ready to prove her worth as a sidekick to Batman. When it turns out to be the shadow of an actual bat in her room, though, she flies into a terrified panic trying to chase it out.
3. #HamsterConQueso
Tasked with looking after the school's hamster mascot for the weekend, Batgirl has her hands full trying to stop it from ruining a health inspection at the Burrito Bucket restaurant where she works.
4. #HashtagFrownyFace
Batgirl's overuse of emojis while texting leaves Wonder Woman, Bumblebee, and Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz) in a misunderstanding when she tries to call for their help in battling Poison Ivy.
5. #StreetStyle
Supergirl puts on a new dress for picture day at school, only to shred it piece by piece as she deals with a string of emergencies on her way to class.
6. #BatAndSwitch
Zatanna's spell to help Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon better understand each other backfires, causing Batgirl to switch bodies with people all over Metropolis.
7. #PlightOfTheBumblebee
A malfunction in Bumblebee's suit leaves her scrambling to get to class on time so she can keep up her perfect attendance record.
8. #FaultyPowers
A string of gadget design failures pushes Batgirl to the brink of giving up crime-fighting.
9. #PackBat
Jessica and Wonder Woman try to persuade Batgirl to clean up the hideout before her collection of gadgets and junk completely fills it.
10. #Buzzkill
As hall monitor, Bumblebee goes head-to-head with the cocky Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) to get him to obey the rules.
11. #GoFish
Aqualad buys a pet goldfish to give to Bumblebee for her birthday, but one mishap after another sends him scrambling across Metropolis to deliver it intact.
12. #KaraCare
Weakened by overexposure to kryptonite, Supergirl relies on Wonder Woman to nurse her back to health, but soon starts to take advantage of being waited on hand and foot.
13. #SpeedyDelivery
The Flash encounters repeated distractions while trying to deliver a cake to a party across town within 10 minutes.
14. #TacoTuesday
After Bumblebee gets the last taco at lunch, Giganta chases her all over the school to take it for herself.
15. #SilverScream
Rude and annoying theater audience members drive Supergirl crazy as she tries to watch a horror movie.
16. #PrizeFighter
At the amusement park arcade, Supergirl finds a basketball game much more challenging than she expected, while Batgirl wins prize after prize at the whack-a-mole game and Wonder Woman becomes obsessed with a fortune-telling machine.
17. #HardRock
While attending a rock concert with Supergirl, Wonder Woman mistakes a mosh pit for a mass demonic possession and gets carried away trying to knock some sense into the crowd.
18. #PictureDaze
Star Sapphire becomes convinced that Jessica Cruz is trying to steal Hal Jordan's affections and starts a brawl with her during school picture day, with Hal caught in the middle.
19. #LetThemEatPie
As Wonder Woman faces Giganta and the Flash in a pie-eating contest, the taste of pumpkin pie wakes up her drive to win.
20. #WasabiWar
Zatanna gets a dinner reservation for herself and Supergirl at an exclusive sushi restaurant, but the meal falls victim to Supergirl's dislike of Japanese cuisine and a miscast spell that turns the food into a city-wrecking monster.
21. #RemoteUncontrolled
An argument between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn over what to watch on television turns into a brawl that destroys their living room.
22. #TheSlowAndTheFurious
Jessica gets to use her mother's van for the week, but struggles to keep it and her nerves intact while driving her friends around town.
23. #BigScreenBully
Bumblebee suits up to even the score against Giganta after having her night at the movies ruined.
24. #EqualTights
Hal Jordan's attempts to impress Superman with his heroics do more harm than good, prompting Superman to think up a scheme to get him out of the way.
25. #DyeHarder
Zatanna's favorite stylist faces the biggest challenge of her career when she has to work on Supergirl's incredibly tough hair.
26. #LostAndFound
When Wonder Woman misplaces her Lasso of Truth, Harley Quinn finds it and causes mayhem all over the city by forcing people to reveal their most embarrassing secrets.
27. #StainedFighter
A monster attacks while Supergirl is washing her costume, forcing her to improvise so she can keep her civilian identity a secret.
28. #CruzControl
On her way to school for picture day, Jessica is repeatedly distracted by people who fail to dispose of their trash and recyclables properly.
29. #BabsGirl
Finding herself without her suit or gadgets, Batgirl improvises to stop a pair of graffiti-painting vandals.
30. #AdBlockers
Zatanna and Green Arrow get so caught up in sabotaging the advertisements for each other's shows that they forget to put on the actual performances.
31. #ArtificialIntelligence
After accidentally injecting herself with a serum that boosts her intelligence instead of her strength, Giganta devises an intricate plot to take down all of the Super Hero Girls at once.
32. #AsteroidBelter
Hal Jordan's obsession with making the perfect hot dog drives Jessica crazy as the two race to stop an asteroid from destroying Metropolis.
33. #CandyCrushed
Giganta and Livewire fight over the last candy bar in the school cafeteria's vending machine, only for Catwoman to steal it from both of them.
34. #VanityInsanity
Zatanna's determination to look perfect for school picture day causes havoc for all the students.
35. #PhotoOops
Jimmy Olsen tries to get heroic action photos of the girls for the school newspaper, but fails time after time.
36. #Vegecide
When Poison Ivy unleashes her wrath against a vegan restaurant, Jessica Cruz has to suit up and fight off the crazed plants and vegetables.
37. #StressTest
Batgirl has to figure out a way to sneak out of her history test so she can join the other girls' fight against a supervillain.
38. #Booked
Supergirl is desperate to go to a concert, but she runs into one aggravation after another as she serves detention by re-shelving books in the school library.
39. #ComicGone
Following a disagreement between their civilian selves over which of them should have a rare comic book, Batgirl and Harley Quinn get into an after-hours brawl to claim it.
40. #SoulTaken
Katana's nightly crime-fighting takes a strange turn when Harley Quinn steals her sword and runs wild with it through the Metropolis Pier amusement park.
41. #ToughCrowd
Zatanna struggles to hold her audience's attention as she puts on a magic show in the park.
42. #BoothBoot
Before Batgirl can retrieve her newest invention from the girls' hideout and go after Harley Quinn, she has to deal with three elderly women sitting in the booth at Sweet Justice that hides the secret entrance.
43. #SofaSoGood
Batgirl and Bumblebee run into one problem after another while trying to carry a discarded sofa across town and into the hideout.
44. #TheBeeStandsAlone
After Bumblebee's teammates are knocked out in a dodgeball game during gym class, she has to face a team of Metropolis High's worst bullies on her own.
45. #VeggieBurritoBucket
Jessica finds herself caught between her loyalty to a friend and her own distaste for meat while covering a shift at the Burrito Bucket for an ailing Batgirl.
46. #SuckerPunch
Batgirl resorts to extreme measures, including a little help from Supergirl, to win a plush bat toy in a punching game at the Metropolis Pier.
47. #PurseScratcher
Catwoman's attempt to steal an expensive handbag turns into a wild fight when the Cheetah tries to take it for herself.
48. #StarStruck
Star Sapphire returns to Metropolis High for revenge against Hal Jordan during the homecoming football game, with Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen caught in the crossfire.
49. #FlashForwardFlashback
The Flash races back and forth across Metropolis to deal with one emergency after another while trying to get to class on time.
50. #ShellShock
A school assignment to protect an egg overnight sends Supergirl on a mad dash across Metropolis and pits her against a flock of angry chickens.
51. #TheCommute
Batgirl is eager to respond to a fire at the Metropolis Pier, but a flat tire on her moped forces her to take the bus instead.
52. #AbraKachoo
When Zatanna gets a cold, her sneezing sets off uncontrollable magic bursts all over the school.