Season 2 Episodes
1. Back to the Bering
The men return to the Bering Strait nine months after their first failed attempt to cross into Russian waters. Excitement builds but the weather will not cooperate so the men take refuge in the small native settlement of Wales and wait for their window.
2. Detainment
After a successful crossing of the Bering Strait the men have been taken into custody at gunpoint by the Russian Military. The expedition is in jeopardy as the military will not let the men go and detain them for several days. Word of the teams detainment goes viral as television networks all over the world report on the incident.
3. No Confidence
The expedition has been forced to cross back across the Bering Strait to the United States and Steven tries to convince the men to re-route and head through the Northwest Passage. Tempers flare and moral sinks as the expedition gets caught in a shallow lagoon.
4. A Mutiny of One
The men free themselves from the lagoon but Andrews attitude begins to effect the team. North bound the men push above the Arctic Circle and are forced to overnight in Kotzebue. Steven puts Andrew on notice.
5. For Miles & Miles
The team attempt their longest day of travel yet and end up camping on a beach with huge Brown Bears. An Arctic storm traps the men at a native village on the North slope of Alaska.
6. Ice Cold
In route to Barrow the team get stuck in a maze of Arctic Ice. Steven is forced to send one of the crew home while the men prepare to push into the Beaufort Sea.
7. Stranded
Scrambling to prepare leaving Barrow the men sell the extra watercraft for additional fuel money. The team experience the worst ocean conditions in two seasons and get stranded at an abandoned DEW line site.
8. Prudoe Bay
Completely out of fuel the team is stuck waiting for the weather to clear and a plane to resupply the expedition. The men hunt for caribou and cook fresh meat on an open fire.
9. Going for Broke
Camping on the edge of Prudhoe Bay the team must face the financial realities of the expedition. Prices for fuel continue to rise as the expedition arrive at the last village in the United States, Kaktovik.
10. On the Edge
The men fear they may have to turn back unless they can find local help with getting fuel out to the Canadian border. With an Arctic storm bearing down on the village the expedition push boldly ahead into the unknown.