Season 1 Plot
Based on a four-panel manga by Kazusa Yoneda, Danchigai focuses on the life of Haruki Nakano and his four sisters, all of whom live together in the same apartment complex. The only boy of five siblings, Haruki lives with his older sister Mutsuki, difficult younger sister Yayoi, and mischievous twins Uzuki and Satsuki
Danchigai Season 1 aired on July 9th, 2015.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Building One: The Yumeno Apartments
Welcome to the Yumeno Apartments, where Haruki Nakano lives out his everyday life with his four sisters.
2. Building Two: The Twins Homework
Uzuki and Satsuki do their best to finish their homework. Their assignment? A report on their family members!
3. Building Three: Mutsuki's True Colors
Mutsuki is bright and beautiful, and diligent to top it all off. But she shows a different side in front of Haruki...
4. Building Four: Curry and Rice
The grocery shopping must be done, so the Nakano siblings get together to conquer the week's shopping list.
5. Building Five: Satsuki's Anime Clock
Satsuki and Haruki have an unexpected hobby in common. And Satsuki never misses a beat.
6. Building Six: The Siblings' Multiplication
Multiplication is a fundamental skill! Everyone has to learn their multiplication tables in elementary school. If they don’t...
7. Building Seven: The Apartment Complex's Pool Opening
It might be a little early to go to the beach, but that's not going to stop these siblings from having some fun in the water.
8. Building Eight: Definitely Siblings
Do all twins look the same? Join the Nakanos as they look through some family history.
9. Building Nine: For the Love of Pranks
Haruki is on his guard against Uzuki's pranks, but is that was Uzuki is really planning?
10. Building Ten: Mutsuki's Request
Mutsuki has run into a problem she can't handle on her own. Is her request too much for Haruki to handle?
11. Building Eleven: How Yayoi Nurses
Haruki is down with a cold, and the only one to help him out is Yayoi.
12. Building Twelve: The Bond Between Haruki and His Sisters
The sisters get unusually close.