Season 1 Plot
Create Together #WithMe is a new series about making art and community out of uncertain times— and we’re inviting you to take part.
Create Together Season 1 aired on May 18th, 2020.
Season 1 Episodes
1. Scream with Me Because it Works
This week we're kicking things off with a poem of gratitude, and a reminder that there's nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned cathartic wail.
2. Let’s Make Art for the Class of 2020
This week we begin to create a different kind of artful celebration for the class of 2020.
3. Some People Can’t Stay Home
This week we look at the art and stories of those who can stay home, and those that can’t.
4. The World Makes Art for the Class of 2020
This week, we’ll take a look at what we can accomplish when we collaborate together.
5. The World Outside Your Window
This week, we’ll peek out our windows to appreciate the world outside.
6. We Are 2020: The Music Video We Created Together
What an amazing journey this has been! In the finale of our massive, weeks-long collaboration, we’ll share the music video our community has been creating together.