Cosmic Disclosure Season 6 Plot
With increasing mainstream disclosure of UAP and UFO evidence, how can we prepare for what comes next? From secret space programs, extraterrestrial close encounters and contact experiences, to hidden history, black budgets, and advanced technology, Cosmic Disclosure explores our intergalactic connections. Listen to government whistleblowers and former operatives including Jason Rice, Randy Cramer, John Lear, Mike Herrera, and many more as they reveal all. Join our intelligence operatives and contactees as they piece together compartmentalized narratives that have been kept secret from the public.
Cosmic Disclosure - GAIA Cosmic Disclosure Season 6 aired on September 15th, 2020.
Cosmic Disclosure Season 6 Episodes
1. Reverse Engineered Technologies
John Lear reveals E.T. tech that has made it into the hands of powerful aerospace corporations that will do anything to keep their secrets.
2. Secrets of the Living Moon
John Lear discusses with Emery Smith information pertaining to the artificial origin of our moon and the flurry of extraterrestrial activity sprawling across its surface as well as deep underground.
3. Area 51 and Secret Underground Facilities
John Lear discusses with Emery Smith what he learned about the construction of different types of secret programs currently being conducted and describes his own personal experiences traveling to Area 51.
4. Levels of Top Secret
How deep are the secrets at the highest levels of top secret? John Lear, in this discussion with Emery Smith, takes us deeper into the intricate web of deceit that goes into concealing secret projects, including the many levels of top-secret clearance.
5. Submarines Under America
John Lear dives into the notion that there is a vast ocean or network of waterways underlying the continental shelf of North America.
6. E.T. Collaborations at Groom Lake
John Lear discusses what he has learned about the various extraterrestrial civilizations that are here on Earth today. He explains that some are here, willingly, working alongside humans in secret facilities including Pine Gap and Groom Lake.
7. Secret Civilisations of Our Solar System
John Lear discusses, with Emery Smith, different types of civilizations that are currently living throughout our solar system, describing how they live and why they are here. He brings to light many of the details he has learned.