Season 6 Episodes
1. 4 Jan 1965
Ken is livid about the story in the paper, annoyed that David has let the family down even though he was always viewed as the golden boy. A bad-tempered Len bickers with Jack and Annie over the story. Stan has been put off David by the allegations. Minnie wonders what Wormold wants with Ena.
2. 6 Jan 1965
Elsie forms a plan to squeeze her repair costs out of Wormold. The Barlows are ostracised due to David's alleged bribe. Ena hints to Minnie about her inheritance.
3. 11 Jan 1965
Elsie is in a bad mood about Ena and takes it out on Dennis. Elsie knows that Ena will have something up her sleeve and determines to get in first. She's thrown when Ena is friendly to her and disarms her. Elsie nevertheless gives her a list of repairs she wants doing to No.11. Hilda is furious when Stan fills the house with paper. Albert gets the name of a paper merchant that Stan can do business with.
4. 13 Jan 1965
Jack tells Albert, Stan and Charlie about Ena's mysterious intervention. Mrs Ainsworth calls at 15 Mawdsley Street. She lets rip at Len about his supposed disgusting history of boozing and womanising. Len is mystified at what she means and matters aren't helped when Irma turns up, flaunting herself at him to win her bet with Dennis.
5. 18 Jan 1965
Swindley puts the prizes in the lucky dip barrel in the middle of the shop with a gents' watch being the star prize. Ena takes Minnie to task for failing to spot Norma Gee moving in with Len. Norma is pleased with her room and says she'll make no demands on Len. Annie is pleased that Len turned down April.
6. 20 Jan 1965
Dennis worries about the rent rise but Elsie cites an identical situation where Dot Greenhalgh's sister-in-law won her case in court. Ena tries to find out from Stuart what the committee's decision is likely to be but he's unable to assist. She sends Minnie out to find out what the Bold Street Mission's attendances are like. Len continues to enjoy Norma's food.
7. 25 Jan 1965
Ena wonders if there's been any sign of activity from the Tanners. Dennis tells Elsie about the notice. Elsie is calm, deciding not to row with Ena but to get everyone on their side. The clasp on Annie's gold bracelet is broken. Elsie starts her campaign with Annie, telling her "in confidence" that Ena is evicting them in four weeks. Annie immediately starts to spread the news, opining that the Tanners are being victimised.
8. 27 Jan 1965
Stan gets up early in the morning to speak with milkman Bert Lodge about the possibility of jobs with his firm. Elsie and Dennis create homemade damp patches and other household problems, hoping to give Ena the impression that No.11 has been falling to pieces for years. Ena sees through it all and tells Minnie she intends to get the Tanners out of the house. The residents anticipate yet another clash between the two. In the Rovers, Ena gives Elsie her notice in writing. Elsie goes for Ena in the snug and the fight spills out into the Street. The residents take sides. Ena tells Elsie she wouldn't be throwing her out if Swindley wasn't throwing her out.