Commercial Sins

Commercial Sins 2021: Episode Guide & Ratings

2021 Episodes

1. Everything Wrong With Charmin - "Hiney's Clean"

January 8th, 20213 min

For our first offering, we bring you a pooping bear, who's surrounded by parent bears that are concerned about his pooping skills. His hiney may be clean, but this commercial is full of crap. And sins!

2. Everything Wrong With Michelob Ultra - "Pure Gold ASMR"

January 15th, 20213 min

Have you ever wondered what it was like to drink cheap beer while an attractive person is whispering to you from a jungle habitat? Well, have we got the commercial for you!

3. Everything Wrong With Peloton - "The Gift That Gives Back"

January 22nd, 20213 min

"Merry Christmas Honey! I got you something VERY special this year... now get your a** on there and start pedaling!!!"

4. Everything Wrong With Jeep "Groundhog Day"

January 29th, 20213 min

Ever feel like you're waking up in the same day over and over? Well, the marketing folks at Jeep think that's a GOOD thing! We just call it sinful.

5. Everything Wrong With Aflac "Aflac Isn't"

February 5th, 20213 min

Oh cool, an insurance commercial! Surely they'll explain exactly what they cover, and show empathy to their characters who are in problematic situations throughout the comm-- NOPE!

6. Everything Wrong With Cheetos "Wasn't Me"

February 12th, 20213 min

Why is it so wrong for Mila Kunis to eat Ashton Kutcher's Cheetos? Why is Shaggy involved?? WHY IS THIS COMMERCIAL?!?!

7. Everything Wrong With Folgers - "Mongoose Filter"

February 19th, 20213 min

How much nightmare fuel can you fit into one commercial about coffee? PLENTY!!!

8. Everything Wrong With Lay's - "Out For Some Lay's and You Take a Test"

February 26th, 20213 min

Why can commercials NEVER show a proper grocery store??? And this guy is a CHIP THIEF!!!

9. Everything Wrong With Rocket Mortgage Jason Mamoa Superbowl

March 5th, 20213 min

Freaky doesn't even begin to describe this Superbowl commercial that's much less than super. Oh yeah, and it's about mortgages and stuff. All I see are SINS!

10. Everything Wrong With Skittles - "Skittles Pox"

March 12th, 20213 min

Sure, it's disgusting, but it's also gross. How did this EVER pass an ad review???

11. Everything Wrong With Dominos - "Risky Business"

March 19th, 20213 min

With the pandemic came contactless delivery, which means you could order your very own Domino’s pizza delivered to your door without touching anybody! This ad is a Risky Business spoof, a totally original idea no one has ever done in history. We nitpick the usual.

12. Everything Wrong With M&M's "Sexy and I Know It"

March 26th, 20213 min

Naked M&Ms? Prime ministers hitting on candy? LMFAO?!?! What is this commercial DOING??? We find the disturbing sins in this ridiculous video!

13. Everything Wrong With Tide "#LaundryLater​"

April 2nd, 20213 min

Schitt's Creek! It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia! And... Tide commercials with terrible rib-eating ettiquette? What has the Super Bowl come to???

14. Everything Wrong With Secret - "Kicker"

April 9th, 20213 min


15. Everything Wrong With State Farm - "State of Unrest"

April 16th, 20213 min

WHO CALLS JAKE FROM STATE FARM AT 3 AM??? Especially with THIS creepy voice???

16. Everything Wrong With Doritos - "Time Travel"

April 23rd, 20213 min

This kid is a criminal mastermind! Who thinks up a TIME TRAVEL scheme just to steal some dude's Doritos???

17. Everything Wrong With Mountain Dew - "The Shining"

April 30th, 20213 min

Who's more terrifying... Walter White or Jack Torrance? WHY NOT BOTH???

18. Everything Wrong With Butterfinger - "1988 Simpsons Butterfinger"

May 7th, 20213 min

Nobody better lay a finger on these Butterfinger SINS!

19. Everything Wrong With Pepsi - "Kendall Jenner Commercial"

May 14th, 20213 min

Hey, remember when Kendall Jenner and Pepsi tried to end police brutality with a freaking commercial? No? Well, WE do!

20. Everything Wrong With Big Green Egg

May 21st, 20213 min

It's big! It's green! It's egg-shaped! It's also INSANELY EXPENSIVE!!!

21. Everything Wrong With Hilton - "Anna Kendrick Soccer Team"

May 28th, 20213 min

We love Anna Kendrick, but why is she pumping up a bunch of kids about a Hilton program???

22. Everything Wrong With Nationwide Baby

June 4th, 20213 min

Your car is your baby. You clean your baby. You protect your baby. You... CRASH YOUR BABY???

23. Everything Wrong With Subway Megan Rapinoe

June 11th, 20213 min

Megan Rapinoe is EXCELLENT at kicking soccer balls, but that doesn't mean she has the right to dictate your lunch decisions. Sins galore!

24. Everything Wrong With Taco Bell - "Taco Bellgrande 1982"

June 18th, 20213 min

Was Taco Bell better when it was bigger back in the day, or even WORSE for you than today? Discuss, and enjoy all the classic sins!

25. Everything Wrong With Matthew McConaughey - "Lincoln Live in the Moment"

June 25th, 20213 min

Alright, alright, alright... Matthew McConaughey tests everyone's patience with his True Detective shtick and hopes to sell a few cars too!

26. Everything Wrong With Taco Bell - "Gold PS4"

July 2nd, 20213 min

How do you win a gold-plated PS4? You eat a LOT of Taco Bell, that's how!

27. Everything Wrong With Aaron Burr - "Got Milk?"

July 9th, 20213 min

If you eat peanut butter like this, you're DEFINITELY throwing away your shot, and you're gonna HAVE to wait for it. This commercial has more sins than the actual Aaron Burr!

28. Everything Wrong With Paris Hilton - "Hardee's"

July 16th, 20213 min

Paris Hilton eats burgers, washes cars, sucks fingers... you remember this one. Do we REALLY need to point out that it has sins? Yes! Yes, we do!

29. Everything Wrong With Haribo - "Gummy Bears Boardroom"

July 23rd, 20213 min

Gummy Bears, flying here and there and everywhere and right into our Commercial Sins crosshairs. A boardroom of grown adults go through backwards puberty when confronted with a bag of Haribo Gummy Bears and suddenly possess the voices of children. American workers fall victim to the candy cabal once again.

30. Everything Wrong With Sunsetter Awnings

July 30th, 20213 min

The sun. The life-giving, face-warming, vitamin-D-giving sun. Apparently it's EVIL! The SunSetter Awning is here to battle that nasty star for you, but unfortunately its commercial has SINS.

31. Everything Wrong With Otezla - "Little Fun, Big Moment"

August 6th, 20213 min

Take Otezla! Or don' not... this is just for fun. And sins!

32. Everything Wrong With Denny's - "Nannerpuss"

August 13th, 20213 min

This is a real commercial that was really done for a real restaurant. REALLY!

33. Everything Wrong With Oscar Mayer - "Deli Fresh"

August 20th, 20213 min

If ever there was a commercial with far too much excitement about meat, it is this one. Also, please do not watch if you get envious of refrigerators, or fear being inside refrigerators for the duration of the video.

All Seasons



Jan 8, 2021