Season 1 Episodes
1. Double Niños
An all singing, all dancing Divino named Duplico causes trouble by turning into anyone he touches.
2. Insecto Gigante
Azul has to deal with a Divino who can control all the bugs in town, which is her worst fear!
3. Big Bad Buffbullo
A talent show is held in Nova Nitza which the kids attend. Serio thinks the only talent he has is to train a Divino - Buffbullo to be more specific.
4. Masks
Diadoro and Gomez are bound to find out who the Combo Niños are, so with the help of a Dog Divino, they attempt to take them.
5. Dream Divino
Senor Sueno, the master of sleep is released and causes the Nova Nitza citizens to fall into a deep sleep themselves!
6. Merry Merry Mariachis
A trio of music-playing Divinos cause everyone in town to dance non-stop to their endless music!
7. El Gaseoso
A very stinky Divino causes a huge stinkbomb in town, while Pilar solves the problem of green gelatin.
8. Gah Gah Boom Boom
The School's classroom takes a look at a baby Ocelot. As that is going on, a wild baby Dragon Divino wrecks havoc.
9. Kissy Kissy Love Love
A Divino named Kissy Kissy Love Love captivates everyone in Nova Nitza, but is really hiding a big secret behind it...
10. Viva Selvasa
Selvasa rules the plants in different areas, but is waiting to rule a city with its powers.
11. Nizza Knights
Diadoro releases an almost undefeatable Divino in order to win over his team.
12. Super Agua Señor
Old Head takes hold of training when Grinto feels sick. Meanwhile, Diadoro and Gomez release a Divino who can help put the Nova Nitza Park back to them.
13. El Gecko
Diadoro releases a Divino who can vandalise an entire town after being infuriated by a campaign held by the Combo Niños to keep Nova Nitza tidy.
14. Bickering Birdateers
Diadoro and Gomez release 2 bird Divinos who do nothing but argue with each other!
15. The Fantastico Super Niños
Diadoro attempts to make a TV show based on the Combo Niños, only to release a robotic Divino for the recording.
16. Attack of the Combo Divinos
The Niños accidentally sell the items where Duplico, Insecto Gigante and Buffbullo were placed in on Nizzabay to Gomez and Diadoro, who release them back to Nova Nitza through the help of a device created by Gomez. Master Grinto and Old Head sent out to help the Niños with this situation. During the fight, Diadoro fuse accidentally the 3 Divinos into a giant Divino with 3 heads.
17. Mama Conda
A mistake causes a huge snake Divino to be released to the world. Azul goes ahead to conquer her fear of snakes with an unlikely friend by her side...
18. Monkey Madness
A Monkey Divino attempts to turn Nova Nitza into a town full of primates!
19. Night of the Zotz
The Divino Zotz wants to get what he wants - turning everyone into creatures like him!
20. Into the Divino World
Pilar accidentally heads into the world where the Divinos live. The other Combo Niños must save her.
21. Kid Grinto
The wild kid Divino Chiquito, turns Mestre Grinto into a kid again, and not any old kid - a really wild one!
22. The Ol'Switcheroo
A pixie-like Divino threatens to switch Nova Nitza with the Divino World!
23. The Luckiest Luck
Serio loses a lucky charm, and he's up against a Divino of luck!
24. The Divino Code
Cerebrino, a very brainy Divino gets revenge on Grinto by challenging him to a game of intelligence.
25. Paco Strikes it Rich
Avaricioso gets released by Diadoro and Gomez, allowing the latter to gain the fame he wants at becoming mayor of Nova Nitza.
26. Divino Doro
The most handsome Divino, Magnífico takes control of Diadoro's body to make him look more handsome than before.