Season 5 Episodes
1. Into the Labyrinth
I've never explored a cavern system quite like this one, it truly is a labyrinth - and it only seems to be getting worse and worse.
2. No End in Sight
There really doesn't (yet) appear to be any end in sight for this cavern - every pathway I clear out yields two more, and seems to be full of baddies. This is definitely the most epic cavern I've ever explored.
This one is kind of self explanatory, I think. Must be my punishment for trying to explore out this cavern and make it my own...
4. More to Explore
I know some of you aren't fans of caverns because they're boring, or too scary for you, or whatever - hang tight! I have plans...
5. There's More To It
If you haven't seen this yet, see it now! Info about the Coe's Quest 100th Episode Extravaganzagasm!
6. Labyrinth Wrap-Up
I would say that the Labyrinth has been 95% explored at this point, excluding caverns that require some demolition to expose. It still had a few final tricks up its sleeve, but I think it's safe to say that this cavern has finally been defeated.
7. Passage Expansion
How about we hit the surface and get some sun and fresh air? Time to go take care of some loose ends and get organized for things to come.
8. Making a Connection
Well, I'm an idiot and didn't measure things out whatsoever. However, doesn't matter! It's still awesome anyway!
9. From Whence I Came
This is it! Next is the Extravaganzagasm!
10. A Railway Addition (1)
EXTRAVAGANZAGASM! :D Here it is! A 1 hour and 15 minute special episode to mark the 100th episode of Coe's Quest! This project was inspired by Necramar's fantastic tutorials!
11. One Fried Chicken (2)
EXTRAVAGANZAGASM! :D Here it is! A 1 hour and 15 minute special episode to mark the 100th episode of Coe's Quest! This project was inspired by Necramar's fantastic tutorials!
12. The Basement (3)
EXTRAVAGANZAGASM! :D Here it is! A 1 hour and 15 minute special episode to mark the 100th episode of Coe's Quest! This project was inspired by Necramar's fantastic tutorials!
13. The Machine (4)
EXTRAVAGANZAGASM! :D Here it is! A 1 hour and 15 minute special episode to mark the 100th episode of Coe's Quest! This project was inspired by Necramar's fantastic tutorials!
14. Initial Circuitry (5)
EXTRAVAGANZAGASM! :D Here it is! A 1 hour and 15 minute special episode to mark the 100th episode of Coe's Quest! This project was inspired by Necramar's fantastic tutorials!
15. Arranging Carts
Work continues on the new railway station. I don't know why, but this is the most engaging project I've taken on in Minecraft. I'm really, REALLY excited to see it working completely (full arrivals/departures). :D
16. Flying Carts
Just about finished with my basement - installing all the final gate logic comes tomorrow. :)
17. Basement Wrap-Up
Hooray! I am missing one bit of elegance, though. Can you guess what it is?
18. Departures
I am really surprised that I've been having so much fun with redstone - I thought I'd hate it, but it's pretty cool when it actually works. :) Anyway, kudos to Necramar for the tutorial on the 4-way Track Switcher (hopefully I didn't screw it up too badly)
19. Fully Functional!
I hope everyone has a great holiday! Go out and have some fun, open some presents, eat some good food, play some games! :D I probably won't upload a vid for two days or so, sorry! I'll be out doing holiday stuff. :)
20. Back to Work
After a refreshing break, I've come back to get some work done. :) I think I'd like to go exploring soon, too...
21. Lots of Loot
Finally had time to get an episode out. :D Sorry for the delay. :(
22. Loot or Die
Just a little change of pace.
23. Track No. 3
Vote for me and/or your other favorite Minecraft LPers!
24. Remodeling the Station
Long overdue, here be E114! Sorry for the delay. My life has been a complete disaster this week.
25. A Better Station
Finally turned this station into something more respectable looking. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it! :)