Season 1 Episodes
1. A Room With a View
Just getting started and picking a place t o hole up (with a nice view).
2. Nice Everything...
And I thought we were getting off to such a great start... man, I almost had a pregnant.
3. Strike the Earth
Now we're getting down to business.
4. Let Some Light In
I really, really like the sun. Also, sorry for my bad cooking habits! I'll be more attentive in the future. :P
5. A Breakthrough?
Is our mineshaft finally going to yield something useful?
6. Eerie Cave Noises
The deeper we go, the creepier it gets. It's starting to get interesting.
7. The Mid-Level Base
Shortening the supply trips and taking advantage of that ground-level door.
8. Battle Preparations
Buncha' chickens. Buncha' pigs. Buncha' cows. Buncha' SHEEP. TOO MUCH HAM, NOT ENOUGH HIDE.
9. Into The Darkness
...perhaps it's not quite as dark as I thought?
10. Sacking The Dungeon
Time to get in there and wrangle that spawner! Also, hello r/Minecraft! HERP DERP
11. Bottom-Level Base
Establishing our bottom-level base in preparation for making a spawner trap and the on-going diamond quest.
12. A Quest Fulfilled?
But which one? So many quests...
13. Buckets of Fun
Seems like everything is difficult for me... at least you get to learn from my mistakes. :P
14. Buckets of PAIN
Building a spawner trap can't be that hard, right? Right?
15. Going to War
Those skeletons are REALLY ASKING FOR IT.
16. A Fine Reward
Minecraft decided to reward me for my recent trials. Also, we finally emerge!
17. Nostalgia Tour
Wow, seems like a long time since we've visited some of these landmarks...
18. Almost Creeper Free!
More work on my not-quite-a-sky-bridge, and I'm mean to sheep.
19. Sardine Zombies
Strange and many noises from beneath the earth...
20. Headed Out to Sea
Getting a bit of cabin fever, how 'bout some scurvy instead?
21. Changing Quests
Explore, build, search, fight? Pick one, dang it!
22. The Record Quest
Everyone else makes this stuff look easy. :P