Co-Ed Confidential

Co-Ed Confidential Season 3: Episode Guide & Ratings

Season 3 Episodes

1. Fact vs. Fiction

April 3rd, 2009

The co-eds are back but without womanizing party boy, James. Now that he is married to Ophelia he has gone to Florida to seek job opportunities. A series of sexual experiments wins Ophelia a research grant and the opportunity to travel to Florida with her research team, aka the co-ed housemates, in tow. Ophelia is excited about reuniting with her new husband, but can marriage really change the old James?

2. Spring Breakup

April 10th, 2009

The co-eds go wild as they try to out do each other in a Spring Break sex competition. Karen and Zack attempts to sabotage each other's sexual conquests may leave them both off the scoreboard. James' past secrets are revealed.

3. Girls Gone Mild

April 17th, 2009

The bar is having financial problems, so Zack and Larry decide to raise money by making sexy co-ed party movies. James is upset because Ophelia is gone and becomes infuriated when Royce, Ophelia's cheating ex-boyfriend, shows up and makes the moves on his younger sister, Jenny.

4. The Smartest Dumbest Guy

April 25th, 2009

Karen tries to get Brody, the "Spring Break Sex Scoreboard" king, in her bed. Larry tries to cool things off with the Ice Princess. Using his best pick-up lines, Zack goes to the rival bar to meet girls. James becomes obsessed with trying to prove that Royce hasn't changed his cheating ways.

5. The Power of Suggestion

May 2nd, 2009

In order to make money for the bar, James hires a hypnotist to perform. The co-ed gang each decides to use the hypnotist to jumpstart their sex lives. James wants to use hypnosis to reveal that Royce is being unfaithful to Jenny. But tapping into one's subconscious may not bring the results that they all hoped for.

6. An Ill Wind Blows

May 8th, 2009

A hurricane blows into town bringing chaos to the love lives of our Co-eds. Larry decides to cool things off with the Ice Princess. During a power outage, things heat up for Karen and Brody, and also for Zack and his mystery lady. James is preoccupied with memories of his first love. Royce gets caught in a storm of his own making.

7. The Wet 'n' the Wild

May 15th, 2009

A wet t-shirt contest at Johnson's bar brings out the wild, side of the Co-eds. While the Co-ed men try to use seduction in order to score points for their bar, Double D's, the Co-ed women get serious about competing as they sponge down and bare all. A certain rock star from James' past is back in the picture.

8. Three Days of the Cougar

May 22nd, 2009

Karen's in for a rude awakening when she finds out her family may be poor. Her step-mother (Sydney Steele) comes to town on a hunt for a new sugar daddy. James must decide whether to consummate his marriage or get it annulled.

9. Riding the Airwaves

May 29th, 2009

Jenny has a clever, sexy plan to sabotage competitor Dick Johnson's live commercial broadcast and to shut down his bar and the Co-ed crew goes to extreme measures to help out. Larry spends some time discovering how the Ice Princess got her nickname.

10. Got Balls

June 5th, 2009

Zack and Stacey put an artistic spin on their lovemaking. Royce and Dick Johnson battle for Jenny's affection. Karen is fearful that her relationship with Brody is over. James uses Blowjobs and Ball Sacs - his signature cocktails - to help keep Double D's from foreclosure.

11. Blast from the Past

June 12th, 2009

Karen resorts to kissing a girl to push Brody to leave her. Dick Johnson wants Jenny back -- if not in his bed, then perhaps in his bar. James' brother, Jessie, is back in town and wants to see Layla.

12. Let the Games Begin

June 19th, 2009

Sex becomes a sporting event for the Co-eds as they spend their last few days in Miami. But it's the sexy games of the Spring Break Olympics that bring the Co-eds toe-to-toe with rival, Dick Johnson. The stakes are all or nothing -- if they lose the competition, they will lose the bar.

13. It Ain't Over Till It's Over

June 26th, 2009

Spring Break is over. Double D's is closing. The hot romances are cooling down. One final wild party is what the Co-eds need. Royce has one last chance to save the bar and to win Jenny's heart. Layla and Ophelia each plan big surprises for James.

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