Miniseries Episodes
1. White Party
Doc fights chemistry problems created by Donald's favoritism and harassment. The fragile love triangle between Donald, Shelly and V. combusts when V. refuses to stay out of sight. And attendance is mandatory at the tackiest white party in Labor Day history.
2. A Blessing and a Curse
As the team stumbles in the opening round of the playoffs against the Warriors, Doc schools them in how to insulate their game from distractions. When Donald and Shelly solidify their bond with a massage and a massive lawsuit, V. threatens to go public with a shocking tape. V. and Shelly hire lawyers.
3. Let the Games Began
The tape hits TMZ, right in time to disrupt the Clippers' hard-won momentum and Donald's 80th birthday. V. responds to the outrage with curious sartorial choices.
4. Winning Ugly
Behind every great fortune is the opportunity to sell the f out.
5. The Best Words
V. tries to explain herself to Barbara Walters. Doc finds himself doing everybody's job.
6. Keep Smiling
Donald isn't going to give it up that easy.