The Dream Door Plot
Based on the “creepypasta” short story Hidden Door by Charlotte Bywater, season four follows newlyweds Jillian and Tom, who have each brought secrets into their marriage. When they discover a strange door in their basement, those secrets start to threaten their relationship — and their lives.
Channel Zero The Dream Door aired on October 26th, 2018.
The Dream Door Episodes
1. Ashes On My Pillow
An unsettling discovery prompts Jillian and Tom to suspect their home is haunted by past secrets.
2. Where Do You Sleep Last Night
After witnessing a murder, Jillian digs into secrets from her past; Tom realizes he's in danger.
3. Love Hurts
A terrified Jillian and Tom reveal their secrets and try to overcome the devastating consequences.
4. Bizarre Love Triangle
As Jillian's old friend relentlessly hunts Tom, she teams up with a neighbor to try and save him.
5. You Belong to Me
Ian makes a grand gesture that threatens to drive Jillian and Tom apart forever.
6. Two of Us
Jillian and Tom set out to defeat the demons in their marriage once and for all.