No-End House Plot
Inspired by Brian Russell’s “Creepypasta” tale, season two tells the story of Margot Sleator, a young woman who visits the No-End House, a bizarre house of horrors that consists of a series of increasingly disturbing rooms. When she returns home, Margot realizes everything has changed.
Channel Zero No-End House aired on September 20th, 2017.
No-End House Episodes
1. This Isn't Real
Four friends learn that the No-End House is more than a haunted mansion when they confront strangely personal horrors in each room.
2. Nice Neighborhood
Margot and Jules deal with the presence of The Father as Seth and JT set off on their own terrifying paths; Dylan is on a secret mission to find someone close to him.
3. Beware the Cannibals
Margot flees The Father with the help of Jules, Seth and JT; Dylan attempts to deprogram Lacey; Jules falls deeper under the spell of a sinister influence.
4. The Exit
The group faces the most dangerous part of House World as they search for the exit; with the Father in pursuit and shocking discoveries about each other revealed, tensions within the group simmer.
5. The Damage
Margot, Jules, and Seth face new horror as The Father wreaks havoc in the real world.
6. The Hollow Girl
Jules goes back inside the No-End House to rescue Margot, and together, they must finally deal with Seth and The Father to escape before it's too late.