Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
Pierre welcomes Véronique Cloutier, José Gaudet and Sam Breton on set!
2. Episode 2
Pierre welcomes Patrice Bélanger, Véronique Claveau and Pierre-Yves Lord on set.
3. Episode 3
Maripier Morin, Julien Lacroix and Martin Vachon are Pierre’s guests today.
4. Episode 4
Pierre welcomes hosts Mélanie Maynard and Stéphane Bellavance and comedian Réal Béland on set.
5. Episode 5
Patrice L’Écuyer is reunited with Quebec’s new favourite couple, Julie Ringuette and Pascal Morrissette.
6. Episode 6
Pierre meets the three guests that participated in VRAK LA VIE with him: Philippe Laprise, Billy Tellier and Debbie Lynch-White!
7. Episode 7
Marie-Soleil Dion, Rosalie Vaillancourt and Jean-François Mercier are the guests on Pierre’s set.
8. Episode 8
Cathy Gauthier, Jean-François Breau and Jean-Thomas Jobin are today’s guests!
9. Episode 9
Anaïs Favron, Guillaume Pinault and Kevin Raphael take part in this episode full of surprises.
10. Episode 10
Pierre welcomes Véronique Cloutier, José Gaudet and Sam Breton on set!
11. Episode 11
Korine Côté, who’s close to giving birth, and the Denis Drolets are on set!
12. Episode 12
Tammy Verge, girlfriend of judge Antoine Vézina, is on stage with Jean-Michel Anctil and Rémi-Pierre Paquin!
13. Episode 13
Marie-Lyne Joncas, Alex Perron and Mathieu Cyr shows us how they earned their reputations and go wild in the studio!